Nightmare Saddle

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Maeryn, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Maeryn Augur

    Is it supposed to look like a stumpy little pony with a giant head, no body and wings that don't flap? Or is that a bug? I can't find any info stating otherwise but it looks kinda ridiculous!

  2. Axxius Augur

    Must be one of the model animation bugs. /bug it, tell them that this model doesn't animate.
  3. Tobynn Augur

    Like most mounts, it is placeable. When placed, the model renders as an expected normal size, similar to most other horse mounts. The summoned model is tiny in comparison. I bugged it 2.5 months ago, the day Drakkinshard went live. I am certain the bug now resides in the not high priority abyss, and therefore will never be fixed.
  4. Maeryn Augur

    It looks exactly the same to me when placed =(
  5. Maeryn Augur

    Wouldn't let me update the last post, sorry. Here's the pic.

  6. Tobynn Augur

    Placed vs. Mounted. Distinct size difference as compared to basic horse model. Broken.
