Next Expansion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Justbornbetter, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Sebbina Augur

    Sheex said
    "Drinal and TypoMarr had them this past weekend, and many innocent halflings were killed. It was glorious ;) "

    There are no "innocent" halflings, just those of us that haven't been convicted yet, and just you folk wait until Mayor Gubbin unleashes his army of mischievers, powered by Fizzlethorpe Bristlebanes divine essence. Ha ha ho ha ah erk choke cough, ya just wait.
    Lisandra and Soltara like this.
  2. Sebbina Augur

    Can't take Kithicor back, there are several Epic quests in that zone, some of which rely on the undead.
    Soltara likes this.
  3. Devildawg Elder

    Wait, you want mobs with more HP than TDS? Have you played TDS?
    Ratbo Peep and Soltara like this.
  4. Garshok Augur

    On the slightly less pessimistic side, the dev team went from what, COTF T2 release in May, to having TDS beta in August?

    It may be reasonable to expect at least a bit more content than in TDS.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. fantasticfail New Member

    We have lost half of the developers since then.
  6. Garshok Augur

    Still potentially gives the next expansion more months of dev time than TDS had.
  7. Necromonious Augur

    I was thinking this too. As much fun as it is to have my semi-long cooldowns refresh for every single pull of the billion-hp thanks
  8. Carroll Ware New Member

    I would love to see new mercenaries, Mage, Shadow Knight, Paladin or Shaman would be great. I would love to see Tier 6 or master mercenary as well, even though it will most likely come from a group quest or raid mob.
  9. Kellaer Augur

    During that block party thing last year, Prathun (I think) said that they would never add more mercenary classes since people complain that mercs have replaced their classes. Tank excluded, of course, since it sucks. I agree with the decision.

    Did you happen to beta SoD? Let me tell you how nearly every discussion during beta went:

    Player: Hey, this thing isn't working.
    Dev: Sorry, don't have time, need to work on mercs.

    That was when Everquest actually had some developers, including amazing coders like SKlug.
  10. Uuvin Augur

    larger / better ways to store and retrieve materials.
    reduced zone times ( less wasted time getting from one place to another).
    serious crackdown on auto-botting ( or add it to regular EQ so everyone can use it).
    LESS required repetitive clicking. automate some aspects. Sick of breaking keys on my keyboards by repeated button pushing. In order to dps properly on a rogue you need to push a dozen buttons every 3 ticks. my wrists are breaking. In order to self buff I need to do 24 clickies. Maybe make all clickie buffs last 2 hours instead of 10 minutes.

    that's all I can think of atm.
  11. Tullan New Member

    - I agree about the spam button pushing. Its the same for a ranger and probably all other melee class. Build some of that into the classes. Tired of mashing so many buttons. I still want the option to do things, but don't want so much spamming just to do my dps, self buffs, and clicky buffs. Let the buttons we have to push REALLY do something good. The so-so clicks get tedious.
    - With a Solid state hard-drive zone times aren't too bad, wouldn't object to even faster though.
    - Agree with the auto-botting, but doubt they do anything. They just made it a ton easier for them with the new loot system.
    - Totally for better/more storage
    - We need at least one LONG new quest like the Tears of Alaris, Sacred prayer shawl, maybe an extension to the breakdown in communication quest reward,to make it relevant again.
    - Need more raids than TDS had.
    - Get class balance restored. My crap group geared necro, enchanter, and mage can out perform my well geared raid ranger by a huge amount. I think casters are where they should be, but melee are way behind in durability and a bit behind in dps.
    Zujilli and Lisandra like this.
  12. Sanh Elder

  13. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    What about a clicky buff keyring? Drag your items you want to always be buffed with into the keyring. Pay $10 to expand to additional slots. Sit back and watch everyone spend an extra $50 - $100 per char.
  14. Numiko Augur

    With Everquest II announcing no more annual expansions ever .. i seriously doubt we will be seeing any either.
  15. Silv Augur

    I keep reading this... any link to the post or source? I totally believe it but I'm just curious what all was said.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  16. Numiko Augur

  17. Sasrayk Journeyman

    Soltara likes this.
  18. Sancus Augur

    Well... That is rather scary.
    Lisandra and Soltara like this.
  19. segap Augur

    Reading that article, I'd likely quit based on what they describe. I'd give it a shot first, but I don't like the idea of everyone being funneled in to one new zone every few months. And unless they make instances like real zones where you have repop and can stay for as long as you like, I'm not interested in content that only features instanced content.
  20. Kellaer Augur

    Elidroth said EQ is still on track for expansions.
    Lisandra, Yinla and Ferry-Tunare like this.