Next Expansion? TBS Repeat?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Pwnography, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Pwnography Augur

    I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on the direction of the next expansion. With the limited info I saw on open beta which has no NDA currently, the achievements are already getting put into place, as well as AA's up to level 105. Here are the collection zones that are set up:

    Katta 2
    Tempest Temple
    Caverns of Endless Song
    Buried Sea 2
    The Dredge
    Arx Mentis

    Where the AA's are, the expansion has a filler name of "A Streetcar Named Mayong."

    It seems like we're going back into The Buried Sea expansion. Is there any lore on these new locations? I'm kind of curious where this is headed.
    Bamkan and Tarrin like this.
  2. Torriadore Elder

    More ship to ship combat?
    TheQxx, Ayoheee, Voragath and 2 others like this.
  3. Axxius Augur

    If they advertise ship to ship combat as an expansion feature, it will probably be the end of EQ cause nobody will buy that after CotF. :D
  4. Marshall Maathers Augur

    That's more zones than in CotF, a half decent starting point...
    Gyurika Godofwar and Iila like this.
  5. roguerunner Augur

    A Street Car Named Mayong = "Tserrrrrrrrrrrinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
  6. Drathus Augur

    TBS was a good expansion - about 8 zones and lots of instanced missions.

    Katta 2
    Buried Sea 2

    No need to recreate the zones - they are both visually beautiful.

    Six new zones and the possibility of instances - static instances or even more HAs.

    Something to look forward to.

    Hopefully, at some point in the future, they will do this for Kunark. A mix of upgraded land zones (like they did in RoF T1), and some new designed dungeons that expand on some of the best dungeons in the game. A dungeon below Old Sebilis, Veksar, VP, Temple of Droga, Karnor's Castle, and Howling Stones.

    TBS was an easy choice because of the two centralized starting zones, possibly one for each tier. Kunark would be more difficult, however, with the Combine portal technology, you could get away with only selecting a few of the upper land zones to upgrade.
    Baramos and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  7. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Arx Mentis is similar to the "Arx Foris" effect name on the Arx Key (Teleport to Lord Inquisitor Seru's Pyramid). Maybe, a reincarnation of Lord Inquisitor Seru for the end-mob? Lord Protector Seru who utilizes the Ethernere to conquer and build his own Empire (possibly in vein of Necromonger Empire in Riddick series)?

    Expansion must include armor ornaments modeled after Lord Seru's armor!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  8. Kolani Augur

    Here's the REAL info on the next expansion, from a top secret internal SOE server.[IMG]
  9. FcsevenXIII Augur

    A return to luclin would be welcome. Or maybe the mysterious 2nd moon.
    Yinla and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  10. Iila Augur

    The other moon is like our moon. Plenty cool to explore, not many things to kill.
  11. wingz-83 Augur

    TBS? Needs more Merloc!
    PrathunSOE and Voragath like this.
  12. Vlerg Augur

    Look like more content than CoTF... but gotta see what's actually in those zone. ( aka, something like bixie warfront who is nothing but a quest hub for HA's)
  13. Mikestab Elder

    It could be Luclinish and not under the ocean. References to Shissar, Seru, and Katta all also come from Luclin. Also a "sea" could refer to the dark areas of the moon. What could possibly be a better place for Mayong to hang out besides the dark side of the moon. I'm sure Luclin herself would be irritated by that of course...however I'm probably over thinking it.
  14. Endiment Scale Tailed

    I want to explore new lands, not visit alternate-dimensional versions of places I've already been to.
  15. Vlerg Augur

    I want more content. if they can save some time and effort by reusing some rich zones like Katta castrum, or slightly altering some ala ROF, go for it.
  16. jeskola pheerie

    8 zones, 1 short of ROF start. sounds good to me.

    Some Kunark revamp zones would be a sweet addition though.
  17. Khoza Augur

    More like, no need to recreate, the original was bad enough!

    No love for Crypt of Dalnir? How could you?!

    Dalnir, Veksar, and Howling Stones would be my favorites out of this bunch.
    TheQxx and Elricvonclief like this.
  18. Casidia Augur

    Kunark had the best Eq zones hands down esp. the dungeon like, agree i wish they would make use of that somehow.

    TBS had a good atmo too, but everything without Undeads or Alarans would relief me by now.
    TheQxx and Baramos like this.
  19. Brohg Augur

    no undead = paladins up in arms. no Alarans = no Tear evolution for anyone (Alarans were done with RoF anyhow. quit slummin') :eek:
  20. Danille Augur

    It depends on a lot of things including how SOE communicates the expansion release, manages the timing of content roll-out and ensures supports the proper length of testing/quality assurance
    of new zone design and raid event playability.

    I totally understand the shift in the competitive marketplace, the impact of platform/social network gaming and there being only so many consumers to target. Also F2P revenue streams driven only
    by expansion release and marketplace sales and the effect that the new revenue cycle has on development.

    In spite of all that understanding, I find myself in a very pessimistic state of mind about EQ for the very first time in my life. There are a few bright spots though, like the new "Sense Heading" forum for EQ was
    sorely needed and as the risk of being called an armchair quarterback, should have been instituted from day one in conjunction with the new every few months of staggered content release.I am in EQNL since alpha,
    and it is something that has generated unbelievable excitement and anticipation over there. Bravo to those who created the concept.

    The sad fact is that a handful of developers, even as talented and hard working as those working on EQ1 are, can only accomplish so much given the resources they have to work with.

    A few examples:

    How motivated can we been when we pay $89 bucks for a collectors edition of a game, and it only has 4 new zones to play in (can't count void) for 3/4 of the year... and in the last few months we get one 1/2 broken zone (Rot raid versions - group /solo version is ok) and one zone (Argin-Hiz) that we know is coming but we can't even play for at least another month.It wouldn't be so bad if we had a level increase with aa's and a host of new spells, (from the beginning) but the timing of NO new levels, staggered release of content, and the smallest number of new zones/content in years is like the perfect storm to make me cranky.

    I will be attending my 4th SOE live this year, and keep hoping that I will be impressed with what is going to happen. I keep hoping that this last expansion may be a filler, while behind the scenes, SOE management is planning something
    huge to awe us, and follow the mantra that Smed spoke about when they had the last round of layoffs. SOE communicated the strategy was to shut down some games and streamline operations in an effort to go back to their roots and devote resources to the Universe of Norrath.

    I want to believe that EQ1 is part of that Universe of Norrath. It is the game I love. The game I have been playing not stop for 14 years, and sincerely hope will be around for 14 more. If SOE's vision of the next 14 years are what has been going on in this last expansion, not only will my heart be broken, i will probably give up in disgust. It is so painful to see what is happening (or more accurately) not been happening lately.

    There is zero finger pointing at anyone. I have no reason to believe anyone is slacking! I am steadfastly loyal to the people who work their (donkey butts) off to give me enjoyment and a game like EQ to play. Perhaps there is a silver lining in making a stumble now and then with an underwhelming expansion. You can't appreciate how good an expansion can be without experiencing how a bad one makes us feel. Maybe the next one will open our eyes wide with wonder, excitement and joy.I know our development team wants to do that for us. I know they would be so proud to deliver that level of product.

    Maybe the folks who determine allocation of investment capital will give EQ1 a sorely needed bump. There has to be some pride left in at least some of the decision makers up there who feel the same way I do about this game.