Newbie Pin Needed

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Aurastrider, Jun 14, 2017.

  1. Aurastrider Augur

    I know calling out the developers rarely gets a response any place other than the TLP threads but it would be nice if you guys could Pin something to the newbie forums for new and returning players regarding "server advice". I see several threads at the top of the TLP servers to help guide people but nothing here on the newbie forums. A breakdown of the difference between Live and TLP servers and the special types of servers in each would be helpful I imagine for anyone considering the game. I love to help out the new players or anyone for that matter but typing this comparison a couple times a week turns into a full page response every time. Thanks in advance and keep up the good work :)
  2. Aurastrider Augur