New server idea

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kacman, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Kacman Augur

    A server with the opposite ruleset of FV. All gear is "no drop"

    I am tired of people whining on the forums about, no plat sinks anymore, greedy players charge too much, etc..

    This ruleset would eliminate the pay to win. If you want the gear or rewards, go earn them for yourself. Make your own tradeskilled items with your personally farmed components. And actually have to play the game.

    I know this will not happen and I am being sarcastic with this thread but I am sick of all the crybabies wanting everything given to them. I am prepared for all the flames headed my way by the crybabies and "pay to win" immature people.
  2. Yimin Augur

    I like this idea a lot .

  3. Uuvin Augur

    People will just try to sell "loot rights" instead. it will slow things down, but not eliminate them.
    Reval likes this.
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Nice idea but don't think there is enough of a market for it. People like to complain it's what we do a species :) Technically even this is a complaint about complainers.. we can't escape it.
    Motherlee likes this.
  5. Reval Augur

    I agree with Uuvin. This isn't an issue that Daybreak can solve. Even if they removed chronos, made everything no drop, and did everything on their end to fix this, people would use another form of money like they did before chronos, just have people come loot the items, and find workarounds for other solutions.

    Solving this problem is too hard to do because the only way to solve it is to have every single person be a good person in that respect, and many people's idea of good is different. I think in the end there are some things we just have to live with.

    -A plat sink big enough to fix high prices on premier items would cripple newer players or players with less money. The disparity is too great to balance out reasonably without flat out wealth removal or redistribution. Luckily it's just a game. Maybe we need some sort of a super casino with a high roller's section, like a game of poker where the house always keeps 10% in a way. You'd need the reward to be something that sticks to your character. That's the best thing I can come up with. Now that people have need for plat, they'll raise prices on everything (see the problem here?). This is a solution that can never be fixed.

    -A prison server will lower the population of other servers or just won't work due to low population, and will cause loss of subscription revenue in that case. The goal is to make the game more fun for people, but would that be the outcome? If it happens, in the end I'll ask you who was made a prisoner by it?

    -We rebalance the classes based on some scenarios, and lately with raiding I agree with it. Even with that though, the amount of class envy that causes various nerfs when classes were a lot closer together will never be solved. Sometimes the only cure is for people to just let it go to a degree and enjoy the game.
  6. Random_Enchanter Augur

    how would you handle tradeskilled items?
    Motherlee likes this.
  7. Reval Augur

    I propose they make a hug it out server, and they can put it right here buddy.
  8. Iila Augur

    but zek already exists
    Motherlee and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  9. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    While I think Demolished was a bit harsh in his assessment I do agree that the devs & coders don't have and won't be given the time to create this server. At this point the only "big" additions to EQ are going to be things that are cost effective and profitable on a large enough scale to make a difference to Daybreak's bottom line.

    As much as I'd love to see EQ get a resurgence after all the years of it being the whipping boy and pack mule of SOE/Daybreak I highly doubt it ever will. At best we can hope for continued patches and a bit of new content throughout the year in whatever form they decide to release it in and at worst we can expect the dreaded maintenance mode and eventual sunset of our beloved game.

    The fact that management still willingly removes revenue streams with overly harsh bans, lack of Marketplace offerings, lack of advertising and not getting game cards out in a timely manner should be all the "proof" you need that we're at a make or break point in EQ's life cycle and that probably applies to Daybreak itself as well. If the campaign doesn't sell well this could be the final nail in the coffin and EQ might not be here a year from now. Food for thought anyway.
    Motherlee and Mayfaire like this.
  10. Gumlakx Augur

    Greedy players could still monopolize named camps, then sell loot rights.
  11. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    He's Grobb-racing another thread so I wouldn't read too much into it.

    I like the idea of more no drop stuff, but the big flaw seems to be with the current design people would sell it anyway, so for there to be any benefit there needs to be some large scale system changes, which really aren't feasible.
  12. code-zero Augur

    How about a Need Before Greed Server where whenever anyone kills anything the loot is sent by parcel to any player that has registered to get that piece of loot for a quest and the group that made the kill gets to split the plat that comes back?
