New Player on Phinigel

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by ZeMick, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. ZeMick New Member

    This is my first time playing Everquest and I'm looking for friends, possibly a guild to play with and learn the game. I've been playing Online games and MMOs for almost 25 years, and I enjoy group oriented MMOs like FF11(Bard/White Mage) and WoW(Priest/Druid). I tend to play support or healer classes and I'm currently playing a Half-Elf Bard in Greater Faydark on the Phinigel server.

    I'm also looking for good Everquest websites so I can brush up on all the details of the game. If you know of any good ones, please let me know. I'm brand new and level 1, so any help is appreciated.
  2. Borek-VS Augur

  3. ZeMick New Member

    Great. Thanks!
  4. Weverley Augur

    I would suggest to do a /ooc in gfay usually always people in the zone that can use more people orc hill is very popular but they gonna probably ask for level 4 to invite you but u never know.Just outside felwithe is another place to look go around ask ppl killing mobs if they would group.