New player on Agnarr

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ndaar, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. Ndaar New Member

    Hey all,

    I recently returned to Everquest after stopping playing around 2004.

    I used to play on Xev in a guild called Old Continent. I mained a SK.

    I consider POP around the height of when I played and raided so for me Agnarr was an easy choice. As a guild we had cleared all content.

    This time I have decided to play Enchanter and also Cleric.

    I was wondering if there were any UK/European guilds who recruit low levels. I am unsure if at this point I would be a full time raider but would certainly join if I am available after I finish leveling.

    The enchanter Ndaar is currently lvl 30 & the little cleric Witkor is lvl 6.