New hotzones/level 95 HZ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lilura, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Lilura Augur

    Any chance we will get new hot zones and a level 95 hot zone? I am immensely grateful for not raising level caps but a 95 HZ would be nice. Maybe the RoF Eastern Wastes, which is very large and has lots of mobs.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. sifonin Augur

    I highly doubt that the team will put in a new hotzone for 95. I say that because the cotf expansion has heroic adventures which are faster exp than any grinding I have previously seen in everquest before. The new expansion does include those scaling raids from 75-105 so one would imagine that the new expac will have content for the lower levels as well. I just think that since there are already options for level 95layers to gain experience quickly that dgc will not waste the resources in coding a rof expansion zone as a hotzone when they will definitely want people playing in the new content. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Iila Augur

    Dead Hills for all hot zones 85+.

    Never stop gribbling.
  4. Viper1 Augur

    The daily task for HA completion is the equivalent of a lvl 95 and lvl 100 hotzone quest, you just have to go to TWK to get it instead of Teek in pok
  5. Darkark Augur

    Actually, assuming that CotF becomes free to play I think it's probably worth considering moving that guy to PoK too. Then as more and more HAs become free to play over time, just increase the list of HAs he draws from.

    I know CotF and TDS HAs currently work a bit different now, but it might be worth consolidating the mechanics at some point .... oh, and an obligatory "nerf the bajeezus out of Gribble" too.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Lilura Augur

    Do people really use the TWK guy much? There's a reason DH is so popular. The missions are shorter and easier, especially for boxers. Ever try boxing a Bixie mission? Not fun.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  7. code-zero Augur

    During prime time and weekends you'll see a pretty steady stream of people going through to get the 4 quest he gives then heading off to do them. Be pretty stupid to miss the additional exp on a DH AH
  8. segap Augur

    Most of the Bixie ones are not that bad and very box friendly. The one exception is the one you have to run for the tunnels. That one sucks for full groups of real players too. The variant with the bombs exploding can make that one step purely random luck to get to the right place.

    Gribble is by far the most efficient and best reward for the effort. Neriak ones used to be good when you got exp per kill. Everything else is more questy and quest stuff takes time of not being active in combat and feels more drawn out. The reward is still not balanced around the time to complete.

    No reason not to go to the twk guy and see if you'll get a bonus for whatever you were already planning on doing. Unless you're just perma camped next to Gribble or teleport binding to him, then the zone time back and forth might be better used.
  9. Viper1 Augur

    I do if he's offering gribble or marla gaslow missions, all of which are easy to box. It's at least worth the 2-3 minutes to check and see and maybe get a big bonus. But I dont permacamp gribble, I find the ha grind very boring even if it is technically the best xp per hour.
  10. Lilura Augur

    Well in a few more levels maybe. I'm leveling heroic toons with a 105 tank and it is excruciating. it takes almost 90 minutes to do a Gribble HA because I have to stop for med breaks every 5-7 mobs.
  11. Darkark Augur

    The Tower of Rot one is worth keeping an eye on too ... it's run upstairs and kill until you get the piece you need (same as the end of Gribble's Scouting Ahead), run downstairs and kill 12-15 more npcs, then pop a mini (same as the end of Gribble's Disrupting the Ritual), and done.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  12. Dre. Altoholic

    Never again would still be too soon to ever again suffer another hail NPC, travel to zone, kill x mobs for repeatable reward every y period of time. I'd rather see the heroic characters level up with the autogrant cap.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  13. Lilura Augur

    You just described WoW from level 1 to 100, Dre.
  14. Viper1 Augur

    As well as LOTRO, SWTOR, GW1/2, Archeage, wildstar, Rift, etc. etc. etc.
  15. FixShamanPlease Elder

    1- Place the HA adv guy in PoK
    2- Add TDS (&TBM?) HAs & Missions to the dailies.
    3- Make him TP you to the right npc or to exp zone in.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  16. Dre. Altoholic

    Case in point. Formula so tired it slipped into a coma and died. I don't mind resurrecting it occasionally for Halloween or something but the 'daily' concept just breeds inane repetition.

    Make trash mobs interesting and put the exp back on basepop with a 25x multiplier for named.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  17. Darkark Augur

    Don't be so lazy :)
  18. Whulfgar Augur

    I would hope, they do not add more HA's to help people level up the games soo stupid easy as it is to ask for MOAR .. easy stuffs just to me wreaks .. of lazy people
  19. Darkark Augur

    I've got no problem with them encouraging people to use more content. In fact I think it's healthy for the game. I like the daily HA guy for that reason.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  20. Whulfgar Augur

    Good then they should do it with current restrictions, just move the zone from Zone A to zone B.

    They should not increase the level's of .. the HA to make leveling easier. Again as I stated before the games too easy..

    The use of more content does not include making it twice as easy to increase in levels, aa's .. not to me at least bro.

    Hence sure use more zones for "current" HA's in the game, but do not increase the ease of which people can zoom up the levels.