New Hardcore Heritage zones?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rayzen, May 26, 2015.

  1. Rayzen Elder

    Just Curious if there will be any new hardcore heritage zones coming later this summer. I haven't heard anything yet, but there is always a chance I missed something in another forum.
  2. Slasher Augur

    nothing we've been told and with all this attention given to ragefire i seriously doubt it.
    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  3. Iila Augur

    HH zones were live for days before there was even post saying they were up.

    Outlook for getting a new HH zone with no new spells for one in beta? Not good.
  4. Silv Augur

    Since they released the 2015 HH schedule already and had no mention [or even suggestion] of new zones... gonna also go with "No".

    Disappointing but not surprising.
  5. Torriadore Elder

    HH was low priority for new content even before all the job cuts. Shame, but outlook unlikely.
  6. Feradach Augur

    Yeah. It really is too bad, because if we learned nothing else from the Ragefire experience it is that EQ players like the old stuff. Adding more HH would be appreciated by many, but unfortunately there's probably no way to provide a solid ROI for the work needed.