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New Class and race combo

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yimin, May 18, 2018.

  1. Leigo You come here often?

    Oh that's just magic right there.. /golfclap
  2. Critts Augur

    Once again Troll wizard or Frogloc Enchanter.
  3. Grebhiker Lorekeeper

    Froglok Beastlord... Drake Warder. Slow motion Round kick with those long legs. Enough said.
  4. Lisard Silly

    I personally always love this topic, its a Fun one. below are my picks with why I think they should be! even ripped quotes straight from the EQ races link, the Lore is there, and its not that complicated (ok maybe a long hard weekend or two of fancy computer work <3).

    Iksar: Berserker ("The fearsome and savage reptilian race on Norrath is known as the Iksar"), Rogue (sneaksies iksars), Druid/Rangers (Iksar's captured and studied these Trespassing Centaur on their Lands During Empires of Kunark), Bard (wut you think iksar dont have Songs or Battle chants?!)
    Wood Elf: Shaman (advance study of the orcs from Clan Crushbone with the assistance of the Felwithe Arcane Halls have granted the Wood Elves vast knowledge of the spiritual realm) plus they alrdy has beastlords huhu
    Barbarian: Paladin ("The hardy race of Barbarians, or Northmen, use their wisdom and formidable brawn to defend honor and justice.")
    Halfling: Bard (isnt it obvious?)
    Drakkin: Unlock everything
    Human: Unlock everything
    Vah Shir: Monk (they have all the qualities of a monk! plus how awesome would they look in monk armor!), Ranger (your telling me a whole civilization of cats....and none of them are hunters?)
  5. Yimin Augur

    Woodelf can be a Bst! They have no Shaman or Monk ....
  6. Boze TLP complaint factory

    The Treelords also set the precedent of beastlords not needing "beasts" as pets.
    Yimin likes this.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Something which never should have been !

    It was though voted on my the community and was a winner along with Frog Monks out of a choice of 8 or 16 combos, 3rd was dark elf ranger, which really should be the next combo should EQ decide to add more race/class combos along with Vah Shir Druids which were the other runner up.
  8. DaciksBB Augur

    iksar zerkers or riot
  9. Flatchy Court Jester

    Just give my troll bst back his gator that 6 legged lizard sucks!
    Yinla likes this.
  10. snailish Augur

    Look at it from a monetize standpoint for a second:

    -Any unobtainium illusion or petamorph put in marketplace will sell

    Then think about how to milk the progression crowd for that sweet "develop the live game more $":

    -Allow access to some of such illusions/petamorphs before PoP (aka while progression population is high).

    -Alternatively, any new race/class combo that opens up an expansion later than the class is available = potions sales on progression. This means Iksar Berserker retro-added to OoW or Iksar bst added in PoP would be a source of income whereas adding them at GoD and Luclin respectively isn't as much. Similarly, adding Human shaman as of Kunark would be some $, but turning Iksar is the biggest source of potion $.

    But... if new things are era-set to EoK you miss most of this $ chance. Set earlier the live game gets it all anyways.

    Personally, I would rather see more combos of the existing added (vs. a new class for sure). There are lots that would use existing models (Erudite warrior, rogue... Paineel Erudite Wizard, Enchanter, Mage...) but concede that the potions/petamorph route is probably easier to do. I'd prefer those as quests, but again selling them is easier and more directly profitable.

    As far as a new race goes... I still think the "Heritage tab" introduced with the Drakkin could be used to overcome the "16 bit" issue. Example: Half Elf heritage tab lets you choose existing Half Elf options, or the new Aviak Heritage. So some new skins for the half elf, but all gear is the same.
    Yimin likes this.