New chat windows

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yimin, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. Yimin Augur

    Please get ride of these !

    Annastasya likes this.
  2. Annastasya Augur

    Agree. Forcing us to hide information that we have painstakingly set up to have available on screen at all times is a loss of functionality. Reverse this change or set up a toggle on/off for tabs, please.
    EQfun and xcitng like this.
  3. Vanrau Augur

    You don't have to keep the tab windows together. You can pull the tabs out and have individual windows.
  4. Tappin Augur

    I love my tabbed chat windows. If you do not like them, shrink your text, use Gina, or get a custom UI. Stop complaining about something with little to no overall impact.
  5. Mazame Augur

    Little impact to you maybe but in truth they have had a major impact on a number of people. They do a log search every time new text is added so every time you attack etc they search the log and then cause the window to flash. this has lead to a lot of extra and unneeded Lag. and can be very noticeable on raid events.
    Metanis, Yimin and xcitng like this.
  6. Lianeb Augur

    I like them....alot
  7. Cicelee Augur

    My only issue is that when I receive a tell now, a new window pops up with the tell. It is distracting. I am sure there is an easy fix for this that I have just been to lazy to do, but for now I am going to be grumpy old man and complain...
  8. Raytan Augur

    Options, General Tab, uncheck "Use Tell Windows". This was probably unchecked for you before, but the new windows seemed to have checked this for everyone.

    Edit: This setting also seems to be per character, and not account. So you'll need to change this for each person on that account that you don't want tell windows for.
  9. Tappin Augur

    You can disable the tab blinks if you do not like them. No idea if reduces lag - but I do not have any lag issues.
  10. Spellfire Augur

    There is definitely more lag since new chat windows were introduced.

    I have disabled what I could. Personally, I would like to get rid of them entirely:mad:.
    EQfun and xcitng like this.
  11. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Since getting the new chat tabs, I have more confidence, whiter teeth, and girls seem more attractive to me. I've not noticed any lag.
    Balthen likes this.
  12. svann Augur

    What do you mean when you say they search the log? Where are you getting this from? Chat windows do not search the log since they work the same whether log is on or off.
  13. Arwyn-RoV Augur

    I'd like the ability to set the background color of the text regions inside of a tab.
  14. EQfun Journeyman

    set up a toggle on/off for tabs, please
    Yimin likes this.