New Bazaar Display

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mendel, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Mendel Journeyman

    Previously, if a vendor had 200 Skinspike potions or Misty Thicket Picnics, these would be listed on 1 line in the /bazaar window. Now, these same 200 items show as 10 lines, each line having a 'BUY' button. This makes it particularly difficult to find the items you want, especially for items produced in quantity.

    I haven't seen it happen yet, but it might be possible to 'block' a vendor's goods from showing to potential buyers if there are enough players selling the same item in quantity. For instance, if there are 25 people selling Misty Thicket Picnics, each offering 200 for sale. This would generate 250 display lines (a limit of the /bazaar window). Which vendors get their goods 'bumped' off the list?