New Battle Leap

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ScreentimeInfinity, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. ScreentimeInfinity Lorekeeper

    The new battle leap at level 10 shows no icon in the song window. Is there some way to see that it is actually active now that its supposedly permanent?
  2. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    It's a passive buff that is always active, exactly the same concept as every shadow buff clicky without having to farm a clicky. And now we have 1 less wasted song window buff. Whats the problem?
  3. Sam Hyde "You're" on ignore

  4. Szilent Augur

    you see it the same way you see Innate Prowess is working

    since it's just a second copy of Innate Prowess now

    we have two. for… reasons? (no, no reasons. we just have two now.)
  5. ScreentimeInfinity Lorekeeper

    I never did a before and after parse of the ability. I really don't trust management with 45 percent dps without the icon. Anyone have some before and after parses from the past and present to prove this point? ie parsed with battle leap off then on and then the present numbers.
  6. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    You realize of course that just having a buff icon doesnt make it magically work either.
    Quatr and Szilent like this.
  7. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    I don't have a before parse cause i forgot the change was coming, What I do have is visible evidence of Vehement rage now increasing max hit which it never did before the change. So something in this change is working. Don't Tigger though the nuke isn't worth the missed swings while your airborn, use it to engage.
  8. Cannikin Augur

    I did some quick parsing today of auto-attack as a warrior on a combat dummy without hitting Battle Leap, and I seem to be doing more or less the same DPS I was before the patch with the Battle Leap buff (actually slightly higher, but probably within parse-to-parse variance).
  9. Szilent Augur

    okay. good, cool.

    and now add any of these:
    77% Determined Reprisal
    60% Group Bestial Alignment
    55% Intensity of the Resolute
    50% Group Guardian of the Forest
    50% Fellstrike
    45% Killing Spree
    45% Offensive Discipline
    21% War March
    15% Glyph of Ultimate Power
    15% Vehement Rage
    12% War Chorus
    11% Mammoth's Force

    which did not previously stack with Battle Leap Warcry IV.
    Sancus and Tyranthraxus like this.
  10. Cannikin Augur

    I don't know what you're expecting, but the answer isn't "warriors are now parse toppers overnight".

    When I do dummy parses I use auto-attack with all the buffs I expect to have at any given time on a raid (including chanter haste, sham buffs, and ranger buffs) and no activated abilities (besides Battle Leap previously) as a baseline. Mammoth's Force may account for the ~2% increase I'm seeing in baseline.

    Some quick 15 minute parses showed roughly:

    2.5% increase from Vehement Rage
    8% from Offensive (only usable if you do not expect to tank anything at all, which is basically never for me)
    8.5% from Fellstrike (still worse than Charge on the same timer)

    compared to no disc at all.

    There is not going to be any meaningful difference in overall DPS for warriors after this change, just a couple more buttons you might consider hitting when you don't have anything else to use.
  11. EagleTalon99 Elder

    The new battle leap just means you don't have to activate battle leap to get the 45% extra melee base damage. You can still activate Battle Leap for the jump/stun/direct damage effect.

    But I suspect most players will eventually just free up the spot on the hotbar.
  12. EagleTalon99 Elder

    I'm pretty sure Berserkers will get more out of the battle leap than a warrior, if you just talking about parse numbers.

    Let's see.. oh ya, Berserkers tend to use high dmg, slow weapons... for a VERY GOOD REASON.