Needs to be a new way to switch between toons.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Veteran_BetaTester, May 10, 2023.

  1. Metanis Bad Company

    That's the Executive Suite talking.
    Nennius likes this.
  2. Razorfall Augur

    Is this different than going to the taskbar settings and selecting "Never" for Combine Taskbar Buttons and Hide Labels?
  3. Razorfall Augur

    They added it in the September patch :)
    Metanis likes this.
  4. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Yes, it specifically only affects EverQuest, and not all programs.

    It's intended for things like the Java runtime, where you can have multiple 'apps' that are running the same executable.
  5. Flatchy Court Jester

    Hmmm I thought the one they would of allowed would help you "WinEQ"?
  6. Windance Augur

    Get 7+ taskbar switcher. Can easily configure how the taskbar lays out the windows. Can drag the items on the task bar around, etc.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  7. Randomized Augur

    Isn't it easier to just log in via the order in which you want your characters to appear? That's how I used to do it. Tank would be first, support second, dps third. Made it super simple when going between each instance of the game
    Nennius likes this.
  8. Bernel Augur

    It would be nice if EQ changed the text in the taskbar button similar how to other apps do it. So instead of the task bar looking like this:


    Have the labels be the character or account names like this:

  9. Windance Augur

    There are ways to do that. Some easy, some not so much.

    If I remember right WinEQ did that for you.
    I once wrote a script in AutoHotKey that would start up and rename clients.
    Bernel likes this.
  10. Bernel Augur

    That's pretty cool! Do you have to use window's programming to change the clients? I would think it wouldn't be too hard for EQ itself to do it. Browsers seem to be able to dynamically show the page in the task bar as the page changes. It'd be great if EQ could do the same.

  11. Windance Augur

    Its a one line win32 API call.
  12. Randomized Augur

    Well thats what I'm saying.

    I always logged in with Bash, Iri, then Rollyn. I guess for 3 box it wasn't hard for Mr to know the order as I said it was always Tank in the first spot, support second, and dps third
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  13. Chorus Augur

    if an instance crashes, it ends up being on the end when you restart it. I also use 7+ task bar program to manage many things, including the order my eq instances show up, which is handy in the crash re-ordering scenario. It's bad design by microsoft that they took that default management ability away with win10. I'm moving to Linux instead of win11 though, so we'll see how well EQ does once I complete my new build next year.
  14. Randomized Augur

    Correct. I know I'm not like most people so I'm going to show how my train of thought works in regards to this matter.

    In the instance that one client crashed (as it does), 9 out of 10 times game play stops until you get that client and instance of EQ back up and running.

    In the process of doing that, we have to wait for the client to take the character offline/off the server/out of thr world, whatever. Taking an extra 30-60 seconds. The same amount of time it would take you to log out of however many other instances of EQ you need to, and get however many Launchers fired back up in the correct order again. Otherwise you're jist staring at the please wait box to log back into the server.

    I'm a very laid back easy going guy and there's hardly anything that gets me worked up or bothered. And I'm all for QoL things, don't get me wrong. But of all the things that can go wrong, have gone wrong, and will go wrong, THIS is what someone is going to choose to get hung up about?? Baffles me some times lol

    And not bashing on anyone. It's just different perspectives I guess. It's such a minor inconvenience that but doesn't even make it to the last chapter of the book of things that make me go "to the forums!!"
  15. Bernel Augur

    Another thing that would be nice is to have a way to put a banner or something in the EQ window with the character's name. That makes it spot which window to change to when using alt-tab. I improvised banners myself using hotkeys and custom icons:


    This way I can easily know which window is which character. But it would be more convenient if EQ had a way to do something similar so I didn't have to create this kind of hotkey bank for each character.
  16. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Well, if you play in 3rd person, you'll see the name of your character over their head.
    Tatanka likes this.
  17. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Very true, with just one slight caveat. If you move around a lot, and use follow, all the chars besides the leader will be standing together in one clump.

    I use two methods, primarily. I look at gem 1 on my spell bar (which is in the same spot on each screen), or I just know the shortcut I used to get to the char. CTRL-ALT-1 is the druid, CTRL-ALT-2 is the SK, etc. Even if the icons move on the Windows task bar, the keyboard shortcuts don't change.
  18. Sissruukk Rogue One

    True, I hadn't considered that, but it is nice to see how people have been doing work-arounds for this, even if DPG may be able to make this easier.
  19. fransisco Augur

    a good way to think about what will get you banned and what won't is - do you still need to be at the keyboard to play?
    Sure, it might coordinate and pass commands to your bot army, but if your key press is still making hte actions happen (and things don't happen when you aren't there), then its more likely to be ok.
    Flatchy likes this.
  20. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT
