Need help with 2 box!!

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Shalka, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Shalka Lorekeeper

    Cant decide what to box with my shaman on TLP servers... i have a 45 shaman and am wondering what box with it will stand the tests of time! i want to be able to solo aa's when they come out.. and be able to duo named for items / plat! so far was thinking the good ol Monk/Sham (allthou pullin in a group is kinda a pita while healing / slowing)
    Mage/Sham (dont know about synergy between these 2)
    Necro/Sham (not sure how well necros are with a shaman)
    looking for any advice ... i dont want to do sk/sham cause i dont want to tank but please any input is helpful!
  2. Necromonious Augur

    Nec/Shaman probably not. Nec cannot pet tank well enough for named, even with slow. I think your most solid pick would be obviously SK/Sham, due to getting a tank and snare for dungeon crawling. Slightly behind that due to no snare would be Sham/Mage and Sham/Monk

    Alternatively, I've heard shaman/enc can actually make a nasty duo in the first few expansions, in part due to each being almost overpowered early on. Until charm gets nerfed, charmed pets can make good tanks for a duo group, enc overlaps with slow but brings a charmed tank and great CC. A shaman with clarity and canni can really make the mana last in long fights or to break camps. The only downside is you still lack that snare