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Need advice on unusual DUO

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Magic, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. Magic Augur

    I duo monk/shaman and like it, but i played classic-pop on Agnarr and not sure how this duo be past POP. I testing this combo on live, after lvl 100 my monk not really need shaman (slow/debuff belts, haste is maxed usually anyway) and i want to try some new duo on new server. If server (like selo) start at Luclin we will see PoP and GoD / etc soon, so i not sure who is better will duo with monk.

    Anyone tried to duo monk + ranger? :)
    I like ranger, but not have time to test him with monk.

    Or maybe some other advice on duo partner with monk past pop-god era?
  2. Touel New Member

    Paladin chain stunning with Rogues backstabs
  3. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Shaman is pretty unquestionably the optimal long term duo partner for a monk for most situations. Cleric is a decent choice also, but shaman synergy with a melee dps is impossible to beat. Once you get to SoD+ with mercenaries you may be better off with a bard instead of a shaman, but some situations would still be easier to manage with a shaman over bard.