necro raid burns?!

Discussion in 'Casters' started by tofu stir fry, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    GoDR - Gift of Deathly Resolve (dot twincast)
    LB - Life burn (large DD based off hps of caster)
    EC - Embalmers Carapace (Zillion hp rune + crit dot damage)
    DG - Deaths Grip or grasp (large lifetap)
    Merc - Mercurial Torment (Spell haste that's better than clerics)
    RB - Reluctant Benevolence (group heal proc based off detrimental casts from caster)
    EFoA - Empowered Focus of Arcanum (all around resist modifier)
    CoA Robe - I assume we all know this, but to cover the base, Citadel of Anguish. (sexytime DPS)
    Azaes likes this.
  2. Azaes New Member

    Thank you Denial
  3. garrionn New Member

    I have a few spells sets i cycle threw depending on the target
    During a single burn i sit and change spell sets 3 time on average. Not full sets just 3 or 4 spell each time. I sit down for different burn sets. I will start with gift of deathly resolve then cast the longer duration dots always nuke after each dot with impel blood for the dot dmg prc and twine dots. Next sit and load 4 shorter duration dots, hit robe, and third spire cast shorter dots sit mem second set of fast dots normally swifts. Rinse repeat with glyph of courage, hand of death, life burn, dying grasp combo last burn 7th year vet then you should be able to robe again if its not dead.
  4. Nayata New Member

    Never use Impel to trigger gift, its cast time is far to slow and you will lose several twins as a result. Use Orb/CC/Venin as triggers. Also, never use swift dots in a raid setting, their damage is entirely gimped compared to just about any other recent DoT.
  5. Kalipto Augur

    So what kind of burst dps are you guys getting with these rotations? I'm new to being 100 on my necro, I'm lucky if my burns reach 40k. But I'm still gearing/aa'ing up. Just wondering what I can expect when I really get things down.

    I know other dps classes are spiking up to 200K and beyond. So dont be shy! Tell us what you got!