Naggy Raid 1 Grouped

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Denial_Sinfae, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Who asked you Hakmer! Let Bearwit speak for himself -.-

  2. Warpiggs Augur

    Nice, grats :)
  3. Tobynn Augur

    Seems one of your previously posted screenshots went missing.
  4. Bauer Augur

    Impressive! Grats on the accomplishment!
    Keep in mind multiple server wide channels claiming this was done using an exploit.
    It would be interesting to see other people/guilds 6 (or 8 man group/raid) this and clear the air.

    (P.S. I don't mean to be a downer, just telling you what people are saying!)
  5. CaptAmazing Augur

    What were the classes? Why did you cover that part up?
  6. Abazzagorath Augur

    Naggy was boxed (more than a group of characters I think, maybe 8-9) the week it came out, I have no doubt a group of actual people could kill it without exploiting. Naggy does like no damage, you can avoid his AEs, leaving just the adds as the issue at the end.
  7. Explicit Augur

    The classes were covered up to at least provide some semblance of mystery. It's very doable with a single group and very likely with more than the class make-up we used -- as pointed out recently in serverwide by Pwning, you can look up the classes used on Magelo if you so desire.

    You never know what can be accomplished until you go out and try it -- it's very easy to sit from afar and claim exploit. If you'd like the nitty-gritty details, I am available to chat at ;tell Tunare.Explicit
  8. Kurayami Augur

    I can see 1 group happening for this, nagafen does indeed hit for like nothing, we had 0 problem using our weakest tanks to handle the job. The adds are nothing amazing either, as long as you can remember to NOT slow Aspect of earth anyways. Kudos to the tank/healer types for staying awake that long, and kudos to the DPS for being able to deal all that damage including that critical final 4-5 %. Can only assume some kiting was occurring at the end there for the 4 adds :)

    Where these 5 mystical people who would be willing/able to do this w/ me I know not, but I can completely see how this could happen, this is no exploit.
  9. Mykaylla Augur

    The classes in that screenshot are:

    Group 1

    Group 2

    I'm a party pooper! And so is magelo. :p
    CaptAmazing likes this.