My evening...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by angelmagyk, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. angelmagyk New Member

    So I got back to the hotel from work around 6 PM EST, immediately attempted to log onto Aradune because I knew there would be queue. "45 Minutes" not bad! I was able to watch a few 20 minute-ish youtube videos and the MOVIE Blockers in this 45 minutes. Be impressed, I know I was...

    At about 9 PM it finally let me in.

    I was able to run around commonlands without issue, killed a few things, accidentally pulled a wisp and ended my life. Woke up in Freeport. Turned on my LFG flag, hoping for the best. Zoned back into Commonlands. No issues so far, this is awesome. Clicked on my autorun to get back across to the huts I was killing by, I made it about 10-15 steps.

    Crashed to desktop at 9:30ish EST.

    At this point, I am tired, but also curious, so I try to log back in. Queue time: 149 minutes.


    So I am curious DBG, is it your goal to piss off a bunch of players so they all quit and you can get out from under this game with what money you have made from returning players, many others and myself included.

    We are all tired of it.

    I have read that your solution to the issues happening on Aradune was to lower the player capacity and re-institute the queue? What world do you live in where applying less to an overpopulated server is the answer.

    Get out from under your checkbook, apply some better hardware and let the people 'freaking' play on the server we have all been hyped up and waiting for.

    EDIT 1: I felt it and it needed to be said. We all miss Brad sorely, no one in this genre will ever replace him. You should be ashamed of yourselves for releasing this monstrosity in his name. Get your 'stuff' together or get out.

    Zapford, Arog and Thygrym like this.
  2. Obama2020 New Member


    you daybreak
    angelmagyk likes this.
  3. Arog Augur

    Tonight I tried to log in at 6 PM PST and there was a queue of 147 minutes. Surprisingly, it was actually a close estimate because I was in around 8:45 PM PST. I played for about 45 minutes. When I went to the bank, as soon as I right click and open the banker I crashed to desktop. Now I am back in queue again for 55 minutes. How is the queue better for stability?
  4. Arog Augur

    I tried to log in to Aradune today at 3:50 PM PST and it its a 130 minute queue. Still waiting. Please shut down common lands and make the active players all go to an instance of common lands. Remove about 60 afk players to make room in the queue.
  5. JergensLivingston Journeyman

    Thats E Queue Baby!
    Ikar0s and KimchiGoddess like this.
  6. Hemocrit New Member

    132m at about 6:20 PM EST, and I am still in the queue at 9:20 PM EST. I understand it is an "average" wait time, but it is ridiculous. Also, the active xp bonus is actually making the situation worse. I am guessing the xp bonus was given because of all of the server issues, but how do you expect people to take advantage of it if they can't even get on. Maybe consider giving xp potions instead so that when the hysteria of the server dies down eventually, those of us who did not get much play time during the xp bonus will actually have gotten something.
  7. Arog Augur

    Hemocrit, I said the same thing about the xp boost in several post. Read my latest post "A Message for Jenn Chan."
    Hemocrit likes this.
  8. angelmagyk New Member

    I find myself in a place of deja vu tonight. Logged in for the queue at 6 again. 104 minutes. 9 PM rolls around, it logs me in. Exact same thing, kill some things, die, run back to commonlands, crash... New queue time, 187 minutes. With any luck, might get logged back in tomorrow morning.

    That leads to me a question for you all. When you are crashing, did you also just die, or is this a me thing?

    Tks, Angel.
  9. Arog Augur

    I have only crashed to desktop 5 times. All 5 times during peak hours, 3 of the 5 times was in common lands. By the way the game is now loading after 3 hours and 15 minutes waiting in queue. Hope I don't crash to desktop.
  10. angelmagyk New Member

    Two days in a row, at nearly the same time, with nearly the exact same circumstances. Seems fishy to me.