MPG Trial Seals

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bologna Thief, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Bologna Thief New Member

    Decided it would behoove me to go finish my MPG trials for the resist cap (2/6 atm), and then realized I have no idea which 2 I had already done.

    I destroyed the seals ages ago and the completed ones don't show up on /keyring.
    So, is there any way to figure out which 2 I don't need to do? would rather not have to do them again for no benefit...
  2. Fanra

    I believe that EQ Players had that information. Unfortunately, it is currently down with no ETA (at SOE Live they said it will return one day, but no time frame was given).

    I know of no other way to find out.
  3. Gnome_king Journeyman

    look thru achievements, there is a section that shows what you have done and what you have not
  4. Gillette Lorekeeper

    It's in the achievement window under Hero's Journey->Conquest->Trials of Mata Muram.
    silku, moogs and Leerah like this.
  5. Bologna Thief New Member

    Thanks Gillette!
  6. Fanra

    Oh, thanks. I did check the Achievements window but I didn't think to look under Hero's Journey. I need to check out the Hero's Journey achievements and learn about them.

    I have never paid them much attention since they seemed to be for newbies. But I see now that I should check them out.
  7. Yther Augur

    Just to clear some things up for the OP. The seals were from the raid trials, the AA is from the group trials. So the seals wouldn't of helped with figuring out what was missing / done on the group trials and the resist cap AA.

    I had a toon at 5/6 after a long break and couldn't remember which one I had missed, so ended up doing them all but 1 again to figure it out. I like the Hero's journey better, but used to use log files to try and figure it out, but if remember correctly, they don't report whether you won or not, or if they do, it's nothing near the task text when you get the shared task, so you still have to manually go through it to find whether you won or not.

    Yther Ore.
  8. Zzlaarr Elder

    While you are at that topic, long time since I have last done one of those trials but does the silly lockout timer on those still exist?
    Lockout timer for the same mission would be ok, but no matter if fail (shorter lockout) or win it locks out all the other trials too. This once was an artificial road bump for CoA access but CoA is open now anyways.

    If it still exists then it's long due that this should be removed, IMO.
  9. Mykaylla Augur

    The lockout is still there. ~Sighs~
  10. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    There used to be a way that you could find out which ones you completed by talking to a NPC. Been a long time.
  11. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The group trials always had a really long lockout but the raid trials would lock out all raid trials for like an hour or so upon request but only ever locked out themselves on success. I really think that the group ones should be changed to work the same way.
  12. Talif Augur

    Like others said, check the Achievement window. Easy peasy.