Moving to Norrath. It's Official.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Dosmas, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Dosmas New Member

    Hello all,

    First off, my initial encounter with EQ was in the early 2000's when I saw my friends dad playing the game (along with EQ2 later), I was in my young teens and was blown away by the atmosphere, music, and gameplay (that I witnessed).. Since that fateful day I flirted with many MMO's mainly the early days of WoW in addition to a number of other titles (lotro, gw2, EQ2, Rift).. However, there has always been this pull to the world of EQ.. I suppose i have always been intimidated by the number of expansions and the overall history of the game to actually dive into the world myself and experience it.. SO. At the moment, I am downloading the game. I am going to brave my fears and commit. Is there anyone out there kind enough to offer insight to a hopeful EQ player regarding the overall content, where to start, what to expect, and maybe offer a few insider tips on how to approach entering such a monumental game with 21 expansions. Also maybe someone could advise how I may be able to catch up on the current lore and whats going on in-game..

    In advance, thanks for taking the time to read my post!

  2. Crystilla Augur

    Pick the Rathe server and look for Roxxanna's guild (The Eternal Darkness). She and the rest of the guild will be able to help you :)
    Roxxanna likes this.
  3. Elskidor Augur

    That does it. I think I'm going to roll a new toon on the Rathe. Eternal Darkness just sounds like fun!
  4. Roxxanna Augur

    Send me a tell in game, 7pm central
  5. Roxxanna Augur

    Send me a tell in game 7pm central
  6. Anhari Augur

    If she isn't on, or you want an earlier invite, send me a tell (Anhari, Jaques or Kalamari). I can invite you to the guild as well.

    Note that if you are creating a brand new account (Not the station account you posted here with), you can follow the link in my signature to be "recruited". This will give you a few items to /claim that can help boost your starting characters. It's not required, just a bit of help to new players. (I know, I's a shameless plug).
    Lisandra likes this.