
Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Marlo, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Marlo New Member

    Since the patch... My character has pet like swords attached to me and when i go to move forward it is like climbing stairs to heaven. I can move backward just fine, but again, outside I go to top of world.
    I also have the anchor problem.
    Eq is not playable this way. I have restarted computer multiple times and waited a day to see if fixed which it is not.
  2. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Are you saying you move vertically upwards, when you try to move forward?:eek:

    That is quite strange...I don't think I have ever heard about that before. :confused:

    They are aware of the anchor problem though, just be patient.

    Edit: i was going to suggest you post in the bug forum, but you seem to be ahead of me there...