Move instruments to range slot please

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by A_Tired_Kitten, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. A_Tired_Kitten New Member

    They're otherwise worthless. If we even bother getting them, we just bag them if they have a clicky we might use. We also don't have any ranged skill worth anything and just use sonic disturbance to pull with. Please, just move them to ranged so we can pick them up and have that tiny bit of flavor.
    Dre. and Lubianx like this.
  2. A_Tired_Kitten New Member

    This won't even break TLPs, because no one ever uses instruments past being able to dual wield (except when running for a long distance outside of combat). Figure this is worth a shot asking for, now that you can use any song even without a modifier equipped.
    Dre. likes this.
  3. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Still have the increasing stat loss every expansion after you got the instrument in the range slot. Ammo slot with only click and focus available (no stats) would be ideal, though they'd have to make sure the main hand melee damage focus didn't apply.

    There is still one good reason to equip, the focus bonus tick on the invulnerability clicky only applies if it's equipped. That's actually all click song effects, none are focused when clicked from inventory IIRC.
  4. A_Tired_Kitten New Member

    we got a flavour range slot item in dodh that was an illusion clicky. it wouldn't be hard to itemize it to match stats for other range items in tier. that way it'd actually get worn, and they could even "standardize" which focus they give us on range, like "hooray, we get a new XX this expansion" that would increase our dots by a tick. that'd make it actually worthwhile. I can't remember the last time i saw an instrument that i didn't just send straight to tribute because it's not worth the bag space.
  5. A_Tired_Kitten New Member

    And about the "main hand melee damage focus" they can just pull that right back out as it's never parsed out to be worth having.
  6. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    156.5k dps main hand 22.3 ratio (2.5k dps punches lol)
    169.8k dps main hand 22.3 ratio and instrumental combat
    226.7k dps main hand 22.3 ratio and offhand 22.14 ratio
    That's pretty bad.