mouse view scroll speed bugged?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by letsdance2, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. letsdance2 New Member

    i always use the mouse to change my direction while running - keeping the right mouse button down and moving the mouse left/right. sometimes, well quite often actually, it happens that i suddenly look to a random direction.

    today i think i got one step closer to finding out why, but still don't have the solution. it seems that sometimes, my character turns ALOT faster, even though the speed that i scroll my mouse is the same. it also happens when looking up/down. today, i was in the guild hall, and noticed that i could hardly turn into the direction where all the players where standing, because i always turned far more than i wanted to. then i found out what i described above: when i turn to that direction, i turned alot faster, even though i did not move the mouse faster. i made a video (15mb) and uploaded it here: that shows what happens. i look up and down, moving the mouse at a constant speed. but when all the characters get into view, the view moves ALOT faster than when they are not. it's a serious problem for me when running around - especially when running form a mob, that i often face a random direction and don't even know which one.

    i had the same problem on P1999... but never experienced something like that in any other game. i had the same problem using different video cards. any ideas?
  2. svann Augur

    I think it is lag. Not from your computer but intrinsic to the game coding. I also think many do not see it because they still use keyboard keys to move and to turn with. This only occurs when you use the mouse to move with. And YES it is a problem that happens way too often. Ill be pulling and suddenly im looking up at the sky or down to the ground, and have to spend time getting my bearings again.

    Win 10, geforce 980, 8GB ram, SSD, 170Mbps connection, and the fact that this has been a problem through the last 3 computers tells me its not my computer.
  3. Speedo New Member

    I turned down the mouse sensitivity to 5% (in eq) to stop this from happening. I had the same problem.
  4. svann Augur

    I turned it down to 14% which makes turning seem to be the right speed, but this does still happen more than occasionally. If I turn it down to 5% then it's way to slow for normal operation.
  5. letsdance2 New Member

    how can lag make it faster??

    reducing mouse sensivity far enough to solve this issues makes it unplayble. so that's no solution.
  6. Lenolian New Member

    When you lag, each frame takes a lot longer to render than usual. When you increase the time to render a frame, you move your mouse a longer distance. When using mouse to change direction, it usually smooth movement velocity over several frames. But now cause of lag you have an outlier single frame with a huge movement, it increases a lot your velocity.

    To limit your problem you have several options :
    - limit max fps to 30... this will limit fps variation.
    - limit clip plane
    - reduce mouse sensitivity

    You will have to tweak options until you find a sweet spot where performance and graphics are ok. You will never remove the "bug" totally though.

    Remember EQ is a very old game, it has been coded using assumptions about state of hardware/software back in the 90's (single core, frame dependant calculation...). Things have changed and you could do a lot better now, but sadly you cannot change the assumptions the game is build on. Unless you throw away all the code base and rewrite from scratch, which is a tremendous task.