More people playing EQ vs. EQ2

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Eazygoin, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Eazygoin New Member

    Is it me or does it seem like there are more people on the everquest 1 servers. I recently came back to the franchise after the God awful mmorpg's currently on the market. I decided to log back into my EQ2 account and see if anything really changed. To my surprise, the server was completely dead. When I logged into my account on Vox, there were more than enough people playing to enjoy the game. I don't know if its the popularity of Everquest Next that may have people joining EQ1 or what, but it sure seems like Everquest 1 is holding its own. I just hope the Devs don't mess up this EQ Next. I cant take another failure in the mmo community. Post your thoughts, I'd love to hear them :)
  2. junglenights Augur

    I'm confident there's at least as many EQ2 players as EQ players, probably more. I think you just were on a 'dead' server and not a populated one and that fact combined with your lack of knowledge made it seem less active.

    Last time I was in EQ2 was last year and it seem well enough populated.
  3. Borek-VS Augur

    Until recently (last couple of years) EQ always had the higher population. Now it is either roughly even, or EQ2 having slightly more - probably the result of the timing of the F2P implementations.

    So yes, Everquest is holding its own over EQ2. Surprising, given how much of SOE's marketing resources have been devoted to promoting EQ2 over EQ.
  4. Cakvala Augur

    Yeah, I have a hard time believing that their are more people in Everquest... But you never know!
  5. Binxx Journeyman

    I've heard similar rumors that EQ1 had more active players than EQ2. I believe there is on more EQ server than EQ2 server, but that doesn't really prove anything.

    Having played on both EQ2 and EQ1 servers in the past 2 months I can say that both the servers I played on had what seemed like an active community. I prefer EQ1 to EQ2 myself, but that's just a personal preference.

    Unless SOE releases some numbers anything we talk about will be purely speculation.
  6. Toquillaw Augur

    Isn't that dependent on promotions? The Krono system and All-Pass let people pay as little as $18 per month for Gold access to most SOE games. Several of our accounts are on All-pass, several on EQ1 only, and others on EQ2 only. What we play changes from day to day, and now EQ2 has the summer promotion of 15% extra coin per kill, 10% extra exp, and 5% mount speed increase. How could you tell if people are Eq2 only or Eq1 only or play on both?

    We most often play on EQ1progression servers, which are behind the Gold-sub paywall and non-Gold accounts don't even know they exist.

    I think it would only be guessing at population, and changes over time.
  7. Alaric New Member

    I dont know but I am putting all my hopes into EQ next if its another MMO let down then I will prob have to just stick to single player games. I have not found anything to hold my interest for longer than a year since he original EQ. Here is hoping that EQ next has depth and is challenging as eq1 was in the old days.
  8. CrazyLarth Augur

    i have never tried EQ2 myself but i might try it some if i buy the SOE All Access to try EQ next.
  9. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    EQ's always had a higher population than EQ2. Not sure where anyone has gotten an idea that EQ2 has had more even now.

    You will be disappointed.
  10. Dday99 Journeyman

    I tried EQ2 and didn't like it. I have friends who say the same thing, EQ2 has a pretty bad rep while EQ1 is looked at as a classic hardcore mmorg (at least in my social group). So it wouldn't surprise me if EQ had more people playing it.