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Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Eldrian, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Eldrian Augur

    Since people seem to be clamoring for more content, instead of unlocking Kunark early, how about just unlocking a few zones that came out with Kunark but are attached to old world. Zones like the Warrens, Stonebrunt Mountains, Jaggedpine Forrest. Things like that would add more level appropriate content without having to open up Kunark.
  2. Hateseeker Augur

    I believe Jaggedpine was open before on TLP? Been suggested, but we don't seem to have a direct communication pipeline to Daybreak to get their feedback on doing such things.
  3. Hendar2 Augur

    Jaggedpine was intended to be part of the original release (there were going to be druid rings there), but 989 wasn't able to finish in time. So we port into SFG now.

    The current implementation of JPF is out of era though.
  4. Eldrian Augur

  5. Dark_Intentions Augur

    That won't really solve anything.

    I think people misjudged 6 months of classic, especially with how social media got the word out about this server. So it became mega popular. With larger crowds are more people barrelling to the top and getting bored.

    The solution, as I see it, is classic = 3 months, Kunark = 4-5 months (split it, 4.5), and velious and after are 6 months.
  6. Stigmas Elder

    seems like a great idea to me. People who only care about raid targets may not think it will help, but they aren't the only people playing on the server.
    Eldrian likes this.
  7. RandomStrategy Augur

    I didn't misjudge at all, I'm right on track for 6 months of classic (level 18 paladin) having fun exploring, attempting to find quests that have never been discovered, tradeskilling, you name it. Just because people think this game is only about killing things to level to 50 thanks to the modern MMOs MOs (that's kinda funny) grind one zone with quests handed to you, then go to this zone because it told you to go grind this zone doesn't mean you have to do it that way. I'm going to have one, maybe two characters to 50 by the time 6 months is up, and I planned it that way.

    Maybe you didn't plan for it correctly, but others did.
    arwilly and Eldrian like this.
  8. Dark_Intentions Augur

    I'm only 46. I will have 2 50s by six months as well. When I say "people", I mainly meant the people that votes for 6 months before the server came up, and are complaining for a shorter time now.

    I personally don't want the time to be shortened just because I'm bored. I'm not bored at all. I want it to be shortened, because I feel like classic is not big enough for this volume of people on these new more powerful servers. The fact that we see 6 or 7 instances of OOT every night is an example.
  9. Lifebane Augur

    I don't understand how unlocking content hinders you at all. You can still do literally everything you currently have planned to do (and more!) when Kunark is unlocked. You want to intentionally hold everyone back just because you can't enjoy the expansion at the same pace as others would like to? I bet you're "that guy" who won't let his family sit down at the dinner table to eat until you're seated and served first.

    Fact is, Classic is too small to house the thousands of players we have now. I think 3 months per xpac is perfectly suitable for hardcores and casuals alike. Maybe your alts won't all be level 50 like you have planned, but 3 months is plenty of time for the casual player to hit 50. This is not true classic, leveling is extremely easy.

    DBG did not set 6 months in stone. They explicitly said their timeline could change at any time, based on popular vote.

    Maybe you need to reconsider your plans, just like DBG said they would?
  10. Eldrian Augur

    Unlocking more content doesn't hinder anyone, unlocking 10 more levels and content that trivializes the preceeding content does. The draw that brought such a huge population to this server was a slow TLP with max nostalgia. Those of us who came back, and we make up a large percentage, came back for that slow progression. If you want all the other expansions and content that is out there then by all means, there are multiple servers you can pick from. Those of us who want the slow unlock only have this choice, this is what we came back for.
    Yinla and Finwen like this.
  11. RandomStrategy Augur

    Sorry bud, but your personal attacks fall on ears that don't give a flying poo about your crusade to open up the next expansion (personally, I'm usually the one doing the serving at the dinner table, maybe you're projecting?) . Sure, they said it may change on popular vote, but you know what? I'm willing to bet that the popular vote is still to keep it six months. You know why? This server isn't filled with hardcore levelers and/or people who want to rush things, the majority of us are taking our time, and our votes will reflect that.

    I guess you could call this a character flaw, but regardless of the vote, remember this:

    Your personal vote doesn't matter one bit, you know why? It's because my vote is personally cancelling yours. We'll see how the rest of the server votes.
  12. Flobot New Member

    Well my 5 accounts will be voting YES on mine cancel yours out.
  13. Indigo Augur

    Kunark in two months, Velious in three after, and Luclin three after that, and so on up to PoP/LDoN where we can stay up to nine months for all I care. Then everything is great. But the same people whining about issues are the same that don't want to progress out of the issues.
  14. Warlorf Augur

    I personally think alot of the issues people are coming up with is in their head and they need to just accept what we've been given.
  15. Eldrian Augur

    This timeline would make RF a ghost town within a year. It's already been proven, several times. The only "issues" that so many of us have is the whining for faster progression. Don't you understand we came here for the long unlocks, that is what we WANTED. You can go to any other server out there and play the content you are making such a fuss for right now, This server is our only choice to have what we came back for.
  16. Nas625 Lorekeeper

    I suspect alot of the people that voted for 6 months now realize what a bad decision that was 6 months into classic in 99 i had made 50 and most of us had just settled back waiting for kunark.. and i was a slow leveler i hit cap maybe 2 months after they started hitting cap in my not uber guild.. so to think that 6 months with everything being as it is where leveling is multiples faster ect there just isn't enough to do for 6 months.. I'm 38 and would love some new hunting grounds.

    now I know your response.. "don't like it go away" all I can say is there was no choice really I've been waiting for a new tlp more to play some of the expansion at level with people. one option would be to open a new TLP with faster unlock but i bet the option will be to open a vote which should pass handily and open up some content..

    and i'm not talking raid content don't really give a rats behind about raid content at the moment
  17. Weverley Augur

    Let's see if i calculate that right.We have around 6k accounts at $14.99 a month so that's make $90k a month that daybreak gets. So Each month reduction compare to what was decided b4 is lost revenue. So let's say Kunark open after 3 months of classic thats $270k revenue that daybreak loose compare to the 6 months. Thats assuming that when kunark launch we don't get again a cry for velious to open within a month.Seems to me 1 million in lost revenue daybreak loose pretty fast.I don't know you but seems to me columbus nova(an investment firm btw) would like to keep the revenue coming instead of shortening expansion like some want.
  18. ngs1 Augur

    Which community college can we credit this analysis to?
  19. Nas625 Lorekeeper

    your not taking into account the accounts that will just go dormant for 3-5 months waiting for the server to progress that is also lost revenue.. problem there is you can never be sure they will come back.. once people put the crack pipe down the longer there away from it the harder it is to get them to return..
  20. Weverley Augur

    Past history tells me those who want fast unlock never leave.They threaten to leave but those are empty threat.Those that leaves though are those that feel like Luclin was the last good expansion and those who feel like PoP is the last good one.So by the time GoD launch we would be lucky to have 2/3rd of the population we have now.Before Luclin tlp 1.0 and 2.0 tells me the population stay at the same level.
    Finwen likes this.