Monthly cost should discount the senior.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Veteran_BetaTester, Jun 5, 2022.

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  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

  2. Laronk Augur

    God not this BS again. I don't think there needs to be a seniors discount but you need to stop telling people they have bigger issues than eq if they can't afford 13$ a month. Trust me, when you're that broke you know how many pennies you have in the bank. You're well aware of at least some of the "issues" you have.

    Some people are just fricken poor, can't generate more income and can't cut costs when you make posts like these ( and you have before) you obviously don't understand how fixed some of these incomes are.

    Thankfully Everquest has a super lenient FTP model and maybe that might be a good option for some people who are having trouble affording Everquest but you need to understand that it's very possible there's people struggling financially who's only friends and only entertainment exist on the Everquest servers.
    Stymie and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  3. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Well, one did mention they were on disability and I can see that being very restrictive. But on the other hand it was for him and his brother - could be adults but sounds like younger persons but who knows. And not relevant.

    The point is (as someone mentioned) they could set their sights lower and play free or on test.

    I brook no excuses for needing additional discounts on an internet game other than what is offered with the subscription tiers. Its a choice to play. You make life choices - lets see, buy that $600 phone or pay that month's rent, use your food stamps and make spaghetti for 3 meals a week or eat out at fast food etc

    I am against "named" discounts.
  4. Angahran Augur

    Yes, I've posted this before and I'll probably post it again when someone posts how 'expensive' it is to play EQ.
    And, as you have said, if $13/month is too much there is always the option of FTP.

    But honestly, what other entertainment is available 24/7/365 for only $13 ?
    Nennius and CatsPaws like this.
  5. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Thinking about it more... I wouldn't even consider anything EQ has to offer "pay to win". Pay to win is a permanent thing. The only thing that comes close are the perks, and even they're just a temporary thing that you can cancel at any time. Nothing EQ has that you can buy gives you permanent power that others don't have. You can't buy an aug slot for a weapon that you keep forever. If EQ goes down that path... it's time to quit playing.
    Nennius likes this.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why are you insisting that pay to win has to be permanent? The entire purpose of pay to win is to get people to keep spending for benefits not to get them to make a one time purchase. Yes, EQ isn't as bad about pay to win as other games but there is no question it has pay to win elements.
  7. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Why are you insisting it doesn't have to be?
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There are plenty of people who consider what EQ has as pay to win and trying to discard all those who believe that because the benefits are not permanent isn't being honest.
  9. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It's called a difference of opinion. Everyone doesn't have to agree, and we can still have a conversation about it. It's not a bad thing.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Still no reason to keep insisting that it isn't pay to win because it doesn't fit your description of what pay to win is. You seem to be in the minority for EQ being pay to win.
  11. Wingman2735 New Member

    Kronos are the ultimate form of pay to win in EQ. Their versatility allows for anything. Buy gear directly - raid drops or chase loot. Melt down to plat and buy services like TAs, progression, and bazaar items. They can literally be used for anything.

    Its pretty ironic that someone who has indirectly lived off EQ's pay to win model by being one of the biggest sellers of gear and TAs and having re-monetized hundred of kronos for himself says that EQ isnt pay to win.
  12. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    The original “Me” generation strikes again.

    Cut the Netflix
    Get a better job
    Stop ordering Starbucks
    Cut out the Avocado toast
    CatsPaws likes this.
  13. Stymie Pendragon

    I think a better question is, how did a senior discount request thread turn into a pay to win discussion?

    I know the answer, but I want someone from the back of the class to take a guess. :)
  14. Bigstomp Augur

    I'm not sure about most guilds, but the 2 I have been in most recently you would not be kronoing your way to raid gear from.

    As to group missions, people offering kronos for helping, I might consider it, but I'd go into it thinking 'There's something wrong with this person that they need to offer kronos' and expect the worst.
  15. Celephane Augur

    No, you can't. Not even one of those mounts can be purchased. Try again
    Nennius and Jumbur like this.
  16. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    That is a great idea

    AARP discount :)
  17. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    How on earth do you pay for youtube?

    Youtube needs to pay us!
    The whole platform is ME watching YOU and getting nothing for it.
  18. Jumbur Improved Familiar

  19. KermittheFroglok Augur

    Nope, not the same mount. The expansion completion versions are usually a different color, e.g. Owlbear (bought) vs. Golden Owlbear (earned). I'll admit that Ring of Scales blue cockatrice vs green wasn't as obvious but Torment of Velious's Snow Griffin looks a lot different/better than the frozen version you could buy. Usually the earned version looks way better.

    Also, moot point on stats, they help a little but they're not set the world on fire. I'm gathering you play on TLP given 75 velocity is pretty much the norm for non-raid player mount speed in Live. All you need is a guildie to hook you up with a casino kit, a couple golden tickets, and then you have a Glowing Black Drum which is velocity 75, which boosts all mounts to at least that base speed. Best quest-able mount's velocity I think is something like 85 or higher.
    Jumbur likes this.
  20. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Fair enough, my mistake then. I play on live, but I never noticed there were 2 different colored versions. There are so many different mounts on live, that you rarely get to see 2 "same-type" mounts in the same room.;)
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