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Monk Weapons While Leveling

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Skev, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. Skev New Member

    There are a lot of questions like this that I've found, but I've been searching around about monk weapons ( or h2h) but I'm having trouble finding what is best while leveling. Is 2hb best throughout the game, or while leveling is it whatever?

    I've got a 60 monk I played 20 years ago and have my epic ( 1.0 I think its referred to as), but I'm starting a new one till I get the hang of things now. The plan is to switch back around the time I catch up, so I guess if its any different for a character lower than 60 I'd be curious about what I should be using for him as well.
  2. Szilent Augur

    mix h2h/1hb through level 100, whichever is the best of those you have. Past 100, new styles of mnk-specific 2h become available and AAs shift in their favor. Once you're past 100, use the best mnk-specific 2h you can through Live.
    Sunawar likes this.