Monk Abilities and Disciplines

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Project Mayhem, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Project Mayhem New Member

    Ok first, Dragon Punch or Flying Kick? Is one better than the other? I noticed Dragon Punch cools faster, but I have a discipline for both, but they use the same timer. I also have the Dragon Punch AA that pushes back the mob sometimes when I land a Dragon Punch. So far, as far as I can tell, this does nothing to stop healers from healing. So what is the point in it?

    Secondly, Inner Flame or Thousand Fist Discipline? Which should I be using?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Pizacatto - CT Augur

    I am curious about this, too. My monk on my old account was all decked out and everything. It's been 7 years since I've played a monk hardcore, though I have PLed my latest monk to 60 and just last night grab him Avatar Weapons out of ST, but I seem to remember there being more to a monk than AutoAttack and Flying Kick.

    I will be watching this thread.
  3. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Flying Kick is considerably better. Additionally FK has an AA line that speeds up its refresh to be much faster than DP. And after you've bought the DP AA, that is all it is good for because effectively every time you land a DP attack you do the knockback, but for that same reason you want DP at least to be maxed. The rest of your specials you don't really need to worry about Technique of Master Wu will skill those up over time. DP is more of a mob placement ability not a method to interrupt NPC's casting. No spell casting time is long enough for you to use DP often enough for it to knock them far enough away from their original position to cause the spell to fail.

    Inner Flame and Hundred Fists are both good. Not sure how they parse out though I would assume Inner Flame out does Hundred Fists at least at that level since that is what everyone would use until they got Speed Focus (Innerflame and SpeedFocus used to be on the same timer) and now uses after Speed Focus (sorta).

    At level 62 you will get Speed Focus and that is our best DPS disc... ever... of all time. Currently it is on a timer all by itself, but to be honest Hundred Fists should be on the timer with Speed Focus as they are the same thing; just Speed Focus is a higher %.