Missing quest reward - has something changed?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Zurrah, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Zurrah New Member

    I recently returned from a break of several years. I started working on the Blood of the Fallen quest, and finished the Vengeance and Delivery quest, which includes in its reward the item, "Blood of the Redeemed". I got the quest reward, but the blood was neither listed in the quest reward window or given.

    It's very possible I did this quest years ago before leaving the game, so I went and checked my bank. It's not there. I suppose it's possible I destroyed it.

    Has anything changed in how these quests work that might explain this? Is my next step to seek the help of a GM?

    Thanks for any help
  2. Yther Augur

  3. Borek-VS Augur

    You should go visit Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby, as he may be holding completed quest parts for you (it depends if you handed them into him or not while doing the quest before, so it's not a sure thing).
    Yther likes this.