Missing characters

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Rylas, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Rylas New Member

    Playing 3 accounts I am currently missing at least 2 on one account and 1 on another account. Just returning and not sure if this is a normal issue where they return after so long or what is going on. Characters that are missing have the bulk of my gear and coin. Anyone have any insight or tips to fix this
  2. Darkerothe New Member

    Lost one of mine today when Bristlebane went down. same boat yours in it seems.
  3. Raytan Augur

    A lot of people seem to have had this problem and you can find their threads in the Player Support forum. As far as I know, you have to file a petition with Customer Support. I believe they are the only ones who can resolve the issue, but some of the other threads my list different alternatives. Good luck.