[Mischief TLP] New zone rares are not randomized.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by YourJobNotYourLife, Sep 17, 2021.

  1. YourJobNotYourLife Elder

    Zones that fall outside of a traditional expansion launch, such as Stonebrunt Mountains, do not have their rares randomized. I killed six rares in Stonebrunt and all dropped their normal loot table (and only once). I'm guessing this will be a continuing issue with zones like this as well as revamps.

    Please consider randomizing these zones with the rares of the era they're in, or at least within the zones themselves. The randomization and the chance of extra drops is an integral part of the server and it is missing from these zones (and likely zones like this in the future, of which there are close to two dozen judging by the ZAM list).



    Edit: I previously included the Warrens in this, but that was based off one kill (Packmaster) dropping its own loot and what another person in the zone said. Tonight, I was running through there and killed Warlord Drrig and his loot was randomized. Thus, it appears only Stonebrunt is currectly affected (and after six kills of rares there, I feel a lot more confident that it is not randomized).
    Dono27 and Baldur like this.