[Mischief] <Loot Goblins> Open Bid DKP, M/Th/Sat 8:30pm ET raids

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Kelorin, Sep 3, 2022.

  1. Kelorin New Member

    <Loot Goblins> is recruiting players on [Mischief]

    We are a new guild built by players with a history of server first expansion clears. Our primary goal is to continue to clear content with strong, efficient, and fun raids.

    Raid Schedule: M/Th/Sat 8:30pm Eastern (5:30pm Pacific)

    We raid content more often than it comes off lockout. To maximize attendance/DKP players need at least two raid capable characters. This is not a requirement but is recommended and we work with folks to help level these raiding alts. Expect Launch raids to go for extended time periods.

    Loot Rules: Open Bid DKP. Rot loot funds a plat split based on raid attendance.

    Loot Goblins enjoy playing EverQuest and we enjoy hanging out as a team. We make raiding not feel like a job, without sacrificing a quality of play. Our team works together to help grow our skills as players, be that for folks on a new class, newer to the game, or just searching for a way to improve themselves.

    As a new guild we are looking to grow and interested in onboarding individuals and groups. Please reach out to Kelorin/Kelorini in game, via DM, or just hop into our Discord.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/vKy9JhPf5x