[Mischief] Dragons of Mischief

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by RepPermaCharged, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. RepPermaCharged New Member

    We started sometime in October as a casual leveling guild of folks who joined the server fairly late, mostly comprised of people returning to EQ after 1-18 years off the game. For many, this is their first TLP. Most are veteran EQ players and some are veteran EQ TLP players.

    An up-and-coming casual raiding guild which is clearing content faster than we anticipated! Before PoP we were just kinda messing around with things like raiding PoSky, paying Venril a visit in Karnor's, taking on Tormax and company in Kael... What we found was that our raid leader is absolutely excellent and, although we have not been raiding for long, our player turnout has increased with each raid we've had.

    Two weeks ago we started raiding PoP content and we remain undefeated, having 1 shotted Grummus, Behemoth, Tallon and Vallon Zek. We are aiming for tier 3 content very soon.

    If you just want to hang out with a group of cool people and never raid, that's totally fine. We have a Friends&Family rank for you.
    If you want to raid, then the most important thing we need from you is to be present and attentive on Discord for the duration of the raid. Our raid leader knows all the content intimately and all you have to do is be patient, listen, and have a willingness to improve. We don't need you to research any fights on your own time at all.

    While we are looking for more raiders of any class, the following are HIGH PRIORITY:
    • Monks: For some very unusual twist of fate, we have had ZERO raiding monks in our guild and we need those split pulls!
    • Warriors: Although we have some warriors, we only have 1 or 2 sufficiently geared ones to be raid tanks. We are in serious need of more warriors with the gear and/or drive to equip themselves to tackle Plane of Time content in the future. You will have help, of course. You will also get priority on tank armor if it benefits the raid force as a whole.
    • Wizards: We only have one raiding Wizard.
    Also: If you're someone who likes to get involved and help with leadership duties, we definitely have a spot for you here since we're still a young guild and there's lots of room for you to grow into whatever you want to be.

    Our raids are at 530 PST / 830 EST. We have been conducting them on different days to measure our head count before finalizing our schedule, but it's looking like Sunday, (Monday or Tuesday), and Thursday nights. NO ATTENDANCE OR RAIDING REQUIREMENTS.

    We do Suicide Kings loot system because it seems like the best way to get as much top tier loot flowing to as many of our players as possible because we want everyone to have fun. As we gather feedback from our players, that could change. If it does, it will probably be because someone decides to step up and manage a DKP system (a role which requires lots of out-of-game time to manage and one for which we've not yet had anyone step up to claim).

    PM me here on forums or send in-game mail msg or tell to Taln, Eshonai, Dragonmist, Deathrot, Warblades, Ilike, or Khalanu. Of course you can always /who all "dragons of mischief" and ask any member to direct you to an officer online.

    Hope to hear from you and thanks for reading!
  2. RepPermaCharged New Member

    Bump to update some information:
    • We are still looking for Monks, Wizards, and Warriors.
    • We are also looking for Bards and Clerics.
    • We also switched to DKP and no longer use Suicide Kings loot system.
    • We're nearly into Elemental planes; just Saryn and Rallos Zek to go.
    • Progression raid days are Monday/Thursday with a "Flex Raid Night" on Sundays to take out optional, non-PoP progression targets, both old world and new.