Messed up Specilization, question on reset.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by C3lowz, Mar 20, 2018.

  1. C3lowz Augur

    So I read that you can Reset your Specilization via a easy quest in Temple of SolRo.

    Question I have is, is this available during Classic? And secondly, when my specializations get reset, do i just need to make sure that the one I want reaches 50 first?

    Was working up my self buffs on my mage and noticed that Spec Abjuration is over 50 so that kinda screws me there. Just curious how the whole reset works.
  2. Kobra Augur

    It resets them all to 50 and then you just need to make sure you get the one you want over 50.
  3. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Available during Classic yes. Make sure the one you want hits 51 (value changes at higher levels).

    Respecialization Quest