Mercenary healing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Malbro, Feb 18, 2021.

  1. Flatchy Court Jester

    I have 4 accounts and box 3 of them 98% of the time. I have a 115 cleric (which will get to 120 eventually) That I really have not used since mercs became a thing. In the group game I have completed several hunters and have yet to get in on a "hunters raid". Mercs can keep you alive if you do your part. Anyone who says mercs cannot are biting off more than they can chew.
    Schadenfreude likes this.
  2. Krazzi Elder

    It's not the merc's fault, blame the riposte nerf they did a while back. They said it would reduce lag by having to calculate less attacks. But... when i riposte, and a mob strikesthrough, i get hit 3 to 6 times, so that isnt reducing any lag from number of attacks. It's like the mob gets multiple hits for each hit i would have gotten from riposte. So when you get hit an extra 6 times in one round, yeah, your merc cant keep up with the healing. It was a terrible nerf, and all around a dumb change to the game, that no one wanted or asked for.
    Velisaris_MS and Nennius like this.