Mercenary AA expansions + achievements

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Aghinem, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. Aghinem Augur


    I have heard a lot of people are getting capped with their Merc AAs and they get a continual message about not being able to gain more AAs until some are spent. Can this be fixed if it already hasn't been?

    Being people are starting to get capped, maybe either add a new AA line for mercs or expand upon the existing lines perhaps?

    How about Mercenary AA achievements? Lord knows it takes forever just to get to 100.

    How about an achievement for when you hit 10, 25, 50, 100, etc?
  2. Agrippa Augur

    I think there are 310 mercenary aa points that you can buy. My wife and I are retired, so we probably play a lot more than most, and we're just now reaching our last ranks. I'm just curious what you mean by "a lot of people."

    I think they've already gone overkill with achievements. If they do add achievements for mercenary aa, I'd hope they limit it per hundred spent.

    I was curious if there was an amount of banked mercenary aa, but no one in General chat (on your server) had an answer. If there is message, when capped, I hope they address it. But I know that once we have our mercenary aa capped, we'll be quick to ask if any want to work on theirs when grouping.
  3. Sancus Augur

  4. segap Augur

    How about every earned point over 310 knocks a second off the revive timer? Those 5 minute waits are getting old. Especially when you add a switch or unsuspend timer on top because you need to pop a healer on someone else after a bad fight to rez the group.
  5. Aghinem Augur

    That would be extremely useful.
  6. Bigstomp Augur

    Mercs are useful when you can't easily find another to fill that role. But I think any rewards for them are mis-guided (as I think merc aa's are). Mercs are to fill a role when you can't find a real player to fill it. They don't need any more boost or any more reason (merc aa are bad enough) to exclude real players from a group.
  7. porky Augur

    The achievement for maxing Merc AA should be a title: "The Friendless" :p
  8. Orbital101 Augur

    310/20 banked is max