Merc hot overwriting my shaman hot

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Dday99, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Dday99 Journeyman

    I'm currently boxing a shaman, and find using an additional merc cleric very handy in most camps. The problem I have is that the merc cleric keeps overwriting my shaman's HoT, rendering it pretty much useless. I'm using the rank II version of my HoT at level 85. Is there any known workaround for this?
  2. KC13 Augur

    Not an expert in this area at all, but it may be possible to block the cleric version of the spell by using the specific spell identifier for the cleric version.
  3. Gladare Augur

    Yup, buff block it.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    One thing to consider is that at level 85 the shaman single target HoT heals for 1647 per tick and the cleric one heals for 1949 per tick while the shaman group HoT heals for 1351 per tick while the cleric one heals for 1502 per tick. While the merc HoT may not last as long it will heal for more each tick so it can be better then the shaman one.
  5. Qbert Gallifreyan

    With merc HoTs, though, you won't get critical ticks, whereas you will with the shaman . . . at least if you are buying the requisite aa line. The cleric merc's promised line can critical on classes that have the proper aa's, but that's not really a HoT.
  6. Mykaylla Augur

    They still do it at level 100, with shaman and cleric HoTs (which in RoF are now equal), unless you have rk. III HoT. It's quite silly and annoying, since a real priest has AAs to increase the duration and to crit, so the merc overwrites it with a shorter inferior version.
  7. Dday99 Journeyman

    Can you elaborate on that? How do I find the "spell identifier" so I can see which buff blocks that particular HoT? And won't it also block my shaman HoT??

    The reason why I want to use my shaman HoT over the merc cleric is:

    1) As other people have mentioned, my shaman AA makes his HoT superior (most likely).
    2) I would rather the merc cleric just focus on direct heals, and my shaman focus on dps + HoT. The problem with casting direct heals with the shaman is that the merc cleric often casts his at the same time, so I waste lots of mana that way.
    3) I'd rather the merc cleric focus on direct heals and not waste mana on his HoTs. The shaman has plenty of mana to waste, keeping his HoT up is no problem.

    It would be really nice if they implemented more features to configure your merc, like allow or disallow the cleric to cast HoTs and configure which direct heals he casts.
  8. Mykaylla Augur

    The mercenary will cast two heal over time spells- if you're level 85, they will be Devout Elixir and Elixir of Expiation. The former is a single target spell, the latter is group. So:

    Click your EQ button.
    Go to Character, then Blocked Buffs.
    In the text box, type Devout Elixir or Devout Elixir Rk. II, then click "Add by name" (I'm not sure what tier your merc is to know if it has rk I or II spells, and it must be typed in full).
    Do the same for Elixir of Expiation/Elixir of Expiation Rk. II.

    The other option is to wait until the merc casts one on you, then right-click on the spell in your short duration buff window, and click "Add this spell to list of blocked spells."
    Let it do the same with the other spell.
    CaRnon likes this.
  9. CaRnon Augur

    Along with cleric AA's we also get that slot3 that adds 6seconds to Reverent Elixir.

    But to clarify what your saying.. mercs do not overwrite my RK3 HoTs right? I keep a tank and wiz merc on my cleric so never tested it out with my cleric.
  10. Mykaylla Augur

    They won't overwrite a rk. III, no, just I and II, even when it will reduce the duration.
  11. CaRnon Augur

    Well then I don't have to worry about other folks cleric mercs overwriting mine.. but then again most time I join a group all cleric mercs seem to turn into wiz/rogue mercs pretty quickly