Melee DPS

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Onhanis Stonescale, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Onhanis Stonescale Elder

    Considering playing EQ again as a Silver acct. First, is it even possible to play a 105 char with Heroic AAs without being ultra- (I doubt it)? Also, which melee class would be the best for TDS and below group content, that can also solo somewhat decently?
  2. Brohg Augur

    Just Heroic AAs? no, terrible character. Level TO 105 with Heroic AAs? sure, slum right along with terribly tolerant friends. Then you pop a Krono and bust your grinding, filling in all the good stuff inside a month before you go back to projects & gearing up, fun stuff.
  3. Onhanis Stonescale Elder

    Well damn, didn't even know there was a /resetaa command. Only on test, or on all servers (I'm on Vox)?
  4. Onhanis Stonescale Elder

    Does your idea work for a fully FTP account starting from level 1? I am thinking about trying to get a friend to make an account. I can probably PL them to at least 51 for AAs, probably higher since I have a heroic slot to just roll an 85 Druid to PL the friend with.
  5. Onhanis Stonescale Elder

    Does anyone have answers to these?