maybe its time?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by bazinga, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. bazinga Elder

    I was trying to finish up some old content and do some missions that mercs are not allowed in the zone. Maybe its time to open up some of the old content to mercs...No, i don't want to "group" with random people or box a army of bots...i would just like to play the game, um, how was it...the way i choose....and solo with my trusty pet merc is how i want to but restricting older zones to mercs doesnt make much sence...ok /rant off...and now...go ahead /flame on
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  2. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    I was thinking about this the other day. I would say that when they lower the minimum necessary to request a raid down to either 6 or 3, then opening it to mercs wouldn't be that big of a deal as it would effectively be group content at that point. After all those, who would be doing those old raids at level appropriate levels are not likely to use mercs and would most likely be using a raid format which excludes mercs in itself.
  3. svann Augur

    It does seem silly to have to ask people "please group with me just long enough to start a mission/raid". And yea, if no one is doing that content they should open it up to mercs. Thats what mercs are for - areas where its hard to get people to go.
    Motherlee and Ferry-Tunare like this.
  4. Crystilla Augur

    Can you give examples of what 'missions' you are referring to?

    If it's old raid content, the devs have already explained why they won't do this.
    If it's group missions you mean, there are only a small handful of them that mercs aren't allowed.
  5. bazinga Elder

    Yes, group content...SOD expansion has several that mercs are not allowed in....the not allowing mercs in raid content is understandable...even if much of the older content can be soloed
  6. Motherlee Augur

  7. beryon Augur

    What was the explanation?
  8. catcattank Elder

    soe devs or daybreak devs?
  9. Khat_Nip Meow

    maybe its time? ... for people to make their thread titles more descriptive about the topic they wish to address instead of being completely ambiguous forcing the reader to enter the thread to get an idea of what the discussion is even about?
    I agree wholeheartedly.
    Corwyhn Lionheart, Sancus and beryon like this.
  10. Kendiian Monk

    I think the ability too raid with mercenaries is a great idea.
    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  11. Kendiian Monk

    I mean there would be so much going on mercenary gear would need a upgrade for raid gear and we'd beable too do stuff like Demi Plane.
  12. Nenake Elder

  13. Dibab Augur

    not sure why people are still inthe dark about this.SOE is daybreak just under different ownership. There are new devs there are just less of the ones you already knew......
  14. Lilura Augur

    There are many places along the line of the BIC quest that have silly requirements in this day and age. You either need a certain number of people or a raid or both and no mercs.
    Motherlee and Ferry-Tunare like this.