Mass killing classes

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by DDMasterX, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. DDMasterX New Member

    Can you all please tell me what classes can mass kill mobs for fast exp? I know that they took out swarming but I was just sitting in Grounds and watching this SK pull 20(or more) mobs every 5 minutes he was with a wiz and had cleric/wiz mercs. I play a wiz myself and I was trying to beam kite because somebody in the channels said I it was easy and fast but I cannot keep ahead of the darn mobs! when I stop to cast the get me. Anyway can anyone please tell me what classes can still kill lots of mobs fast and how its done please? Thanks :)
  2. Fluid Augur

    SK is a special case because they have life leech attacks and auto riposte. Long as they land their attacks/counters and their life leeches exceed the damage done by MOBs, they can swarm. Very narrow range of equipment, augments, and MOBs in the sweat spot.

    Rumor is some of the methods people use to stay out of reach/outrun MOBs involve hacks that will get you banned. I'd stay away from them personally.

    If you want levels but don't want to bother with playing the game<sic>, I would suggest getting power leveled. Typically about 50k pt and hour and fits within acceptable game mechanics. There are various ways of getting the pt for it, selling a Krono is probably the one you should consider.
  3. moogs Augur

    Mass pulling should only be done in empty zones. Better yet, instanced zones. Please keep this in mind.
  4. fransisco Augur

    Should be done in empty zones, but hot zones are better for pling. I've seen several SKs swarming since the nerf, and spoken to a couple.
    Swarming is still very much possible - its just harder now, and usually have to wait for all their cool downs between swarms now.
  5. Gythlen Augur

    I have come across some SKs who are clearly PLing lower level alts or people in their guild in areas for questing (outside Stone Hive is the worst)

    Each time I have spoken to them, explaining I am questing there and ask how long they will be because I need not only the drops and mobs, each have been courteous and either moved on when they were finished, asked me what mobs I needed so they stayed away from them, or allowed me to loot what was there then left.

    Communication should happen first. All I see is people screaming in channels that never do a simple asking. If you speak to them and are ignored etc, I wonder if that could be seen as griefing? I mean in a place where they are impeding progress of others.
    DDMasterX likes this.
  6. fransisco Augur

    One of the dangers in swarming is how many people get killed on accident. Since the nerf, I've been run over by swarm pulls multiple times.
    Doesn't matter how courteous they try to be, they kill players without even knowing it.