Market Place needs Enhancements

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Burdi, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Burdi Augur

    Hi Folks,
    The items available in the market place are nice and handy but they could be much more valuable.
    If there was possibility to buy the following items:
    Plat, Level, AA, Group gear, Raid gear, Epics, flags , and Skill's up
    The general idea is to make Everquest easier and less time consuming for casual players.
    It would probably broaden the client base of Everquest.
    It is probably possible to limit this to a new server concept at first.
    More over all those things are already on sale by providers, It will just make the whole process safer and more consistent.
  2. Warpiggs Augur

    It's thinking like this that has and will ruin Everquest.
    Elricvonclief and BlankStare_001 like this.
  3. Riou EQResource

    You will "kind of" have Plat soon when they introduce Krono

    There is older group gear via Defiant

    And the Draught of Craftsmen for easy mode Trade-skilling skill ups :p

    AA already has the catch up EXP massive rate boost for 1000% to 4k or w/e
  4. Recnarp Augur

    Just as long as its a special ruleset server, and you can only transfer to there but never off (like FV) then I don't have a problem with this idea.
    Vouivre likes this.
  5. Tobynn Augur

    Buy a wealthy, max level, max AA'd, raid-geared, Master Artisan character directly from Marketplace -- all you need is a credit card and enough coordination to press the Enter World button. What a phenomenally stupid idea.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  6. doktartp Augur

    would you accept it if it kept eq from closing its doors because it has ethics ?

    I dont support all these neat features in a box, but with loyalty bags of platinum and kronos, they are already drifting that way. They also can increase the plat requirement for things since there is more there, its a double edged sword.
  7. Tarrin Augur

    This was a bad idea when you posted this in the other thread.
    This is still a bad idea.
  8. Tobynn Augur

    Ethics? None of the OPs suggestions could possibly be defined as unethical. We're talking about a business model based on selling pixelated data for profit. Selling virtual stuff is what SOE does. They day I can log into marketplace and purchase your account name & password, then we can talk about ethics.
  9. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Nice chioce of Race for an avatar OP...

    If it came down to this, or shutting down EQ entirely...

    Shut it down.
    Rila likes this.
  10. Cakeny Augur

    Pay to win is a good way to hasten demise of franchise.
  11. Rainbowdash Augur


    Yeah, you know I really hate playing this game. I'd much rather just buy all my levels AAs, and gear on the SC market with my spare cash so I can sit in Guild Lobby and look cool, or link my uber raid gear I didn't legitimately obtain anytime someone rots some terrible T4 group gear in general, to show how much better than them I am even though I probably can't play my toon and would die trying to solo Blackburrow. I don't care for killing pixels, only showing them off.

    *sarcasm off*

    Please take this terrible idea and go away.
  12. Hatsee Augur

    They should add some stuff but I disagree on what.

    I wouldn't mind much if they put in things like perfected distillers for around 100 so you could field swap all your augs for a small fee, etc. Or whatever one works, I'm not sure what all you can rip out with a perfected and honestly I don't want to see them add in 25 distillers for the variety we have now.

    Simple ideas that don't really break anything.
  13. Burdi Augur

    I forgot godd Aug would be apreciated too.
    I think seriously given the number of powerleveling service availlable here and there, there an actual demand for those service.
    Making them right away availlable would make many hardcore player disappointed,and in that sens could be seen as extreme.
    But having an easy mode server could be a rather rational approach, and gives the possibility to broaden the client base.
    There are potential customers that will enjoys some "high end game", but cannot afford the necessary time to get to that point.
  14. Nolrog Augur

    Why bother playing the game. Just put a level 100 character with the best gear and all flags and achievements on the market and let me by it and then claim I beat the expansion.

    They are already too close to that line, maybe sometimes even stick a foot over it. This would obliterate the line and destroy the game completely.
    BlankStare_001 likes this.
  15. Belchere Lorekeeper

    They already sort of sell plat... If you have an gold account, you earn loyalty points and can use them to buy Large Bags of Plat in PoK!

    So to expand Hatsee's comments, maybe adding everything on the loyalty vendor to the SC store would be OK then?
  16. Orablast Elder

    Adding everything from marketplace to the loyalty vendor is an idea I can stand behind. Or give us more SC monthly allowance as gold members.

    AS a gold member, if I buy the RoF expansion, I should expect to receive all the features that come with that expansion. I really hate the idea of spending $15 a month for access to a server, and then another $40 for an expansion, and then additional $15 for the feature that came with the latest expansion I just purchased.

    If I need RoF to use item redemption tokens for bazaar purchases, then I should not have to spend $2 extra for each delivery. This is just madness beyond all scale of greediness.
  17. Vouivre Augur

    I honestly wouldn't mind them offering a cheap way to buy character starter packs if you had already leveled a character up past a certain point. UO did this. You get a template to purchase and it gives you certain levels in skills and such. So maybe being able to buy a level 70 character with 1500-2000 AAs if you had already leveled up to 90 and hadat least 3k AAs on a character on that account.

    Even DDO did something like this on a smaller scale. Not a fan of buying power, but giving players a way to bypass some of the tediousness of starting a new character when you already did a lot of the old stuff would be nice.
    BlankStare_001 likes this.
  18. Fenthen aka Rath

    I like this idea, but it would need to be flagged on that account only. A dollar-per-level or something, and then another $25 to transfer to a new account. Also, making it 15-20 levels lower; such as, your 95 char could spawn (for $75) a template level 75 character. Due to level range you could group with this character to excel them higher, and not waste the 2 weeks to make them 1-75.
  19. Vouivre Augur

    Charging too much would just drive people away from it. The whole point is to give players a way to bypass some of the monotony that is the entire game of EQ and to make money in the process while not removing the entire lower level game.

    You can say that giving it to higher level characters removes the lower level alt they create, but I have many many alts and I never, ever group with them really until I get them closer to 80. I might consider paying $75.00 for this option if it worked on all characters and it was a one time fee for the account like Merc slots. You could transfer it to a new account after a year.

    I have tons of alts and I don't even have close to the most, but doing the same work over and over and over again gets old even for alt-a-holics like myself.
  20. Melanippe Augur

    The idea is tantamount to having the NFL owners write checks and the biggest check wins the Super Bowl!

    Why would anyone want to play a game that had NO challenge whatsoever other than the size of ones wallet?

    Broaden the client base? That implies that people who play on-line games really do not want to play the game at all! Ludicrous premise. Ridiculous business model!
  21. Ponlou_EM New Member

    No way would i agree to have people buy aa , flags , epic etc , Learning , and pushing to wrds getting those things are how people enjoy the game , specially Epics was an achievment back then and today still easy to obtain now. /veto the idea