(Mangler) If I wanted to box a Necro+Druid, what is third class?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Motrax, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Motrax Journeyman

    Actually considering 3boxing after spending some time thinking about it.

    I want a Necromancer, and I want a Druid. What do you think the third class should be? I kind of feel like Enchanter might be useful but I've never played the class and don't really know if I like it or would enjoy it.

    I want a Monk and a Shaman, but I had planned to farm up gold with the Necro/Druid and twink them out and level them solo with regular groups for funzies.

    What do you think my third class should be if boxing a Necromancer+Druid?
  2. Arrk Augur

    If you want a Necro and Druid ( which is actually a very solid combo) I would go Bard for a 3rd. Covers part of what the druid is missing in Mana Regen.

    In addition, the mana regen and health regen songs will stack with Lich of Necro and HP Regen of Druids. Also adds in some Mez capabilities to lock a target down, and can help pull or split rooms when you need it.
  3. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Druids are really outclassed through pop at least. I'd frankly look at that choice in addition.
  4. Motrax Journeyman

    It's more for the fact that I can farm things on the Necro and also offer Ports on the other character at the same time.
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Well early on they are definitely good for ports.

    Outside of ports and powerlevel, however, druids really need work. So be ready for that.

    If your goal is farming for plat though, you'll probably be better off dropping the necro and just doing the classic clr/enc. Then you can farm with the best of them. The added ports from druid will help you even more. The bonus here is that you won't need to port for money since the real krono is the items.

    I ported for donations in early Agnarr. It was actually fun, since I never did it before. I would offer "full service" ports and actually garnered a bit of a reputation where people would seek me out. For example, I would port you or your group to Guk, and then run you with bard speed to the zoneline. It was funny getting some of the reactions!
  6. Montag Augur

    Beastlord adds slowing and a pet that can tank, beastlord also has semi okay dots when root rotting.

    Or shaman for better slow and dots and focus on him for gear so he can tank slowed mobs.

    And honestly druids are REALLY nice to have, despite what a lot of people say.
  7. Arrk Augur

    Druids are perfect boxes for necro... Pre-PoP

    Buffs : SoW, Hp Regen, HP Buff (with more regen)
    Ports, Better snare that is more mana efficent, extra dots, heals

    Bard adds to those...
    Mana Regen, Hp Regen, Lull, Mez, Resists, Resist Debuff, Slows

    Later druids are even better with debuffs, better heals, better dots

    You main the necro and really shine as the boxes lessen the worry you have as that necro.
  8. Montag Augur

    oh duh, mangler, no beastlords at first :)
  9. Motrax Journeyman

    If I decide to go Enchanter/Cleric/Whatever, wont the things I go to farm for that be heavily camped by the real box teams? Like if I'm farming for items, I'll never win GEBS or whatever cause they'll just outdamage me with like 5 necro's or something.
  10. Grailer Augur

    Enchanter + Mage would be better than Mage + Mage IMO .
  11. Motrax Journeyman

    I dont think anyone mentioned mage+Mage.
  12. Moranis Augur

    Necro druid is a solid combo, but you will find that tanking 50+ is very difficult. I ran that duo and found that I had to essentially fear kite everything in Sebilis, even at lvl 60.

    I'd suggest a Mage as your third so you can keep the Necro as your main. The Mage will give you a solid tank and is easy to box. A Bard wouldn't be a bad choice either, but Bards, in my opinion, aren't a great choice for a 3-box...I wouldn't use a Bard will less than a group of 5.
  13. Motrax Journeyman

    Mage sounds great for threebox, I didn't consider it because I didn't consider a second pet class. But yeah... I like the sound of it.

    I could go Dark Elf on both Mage and Necro... hard part is getting the Wood Elf from the other continent. Hmmmm.

    Wondering if I should drop the NEcro and go Enchanter+Druid+Mage. Druid isn't as good at healing/buffing as Cleric, but I've played one before and they can mainheal a group just fine, so could probably handle it.
  14. Machentoo Augur

    How long do you plan to play?

    Later into the expansions, bard would be the hands down best third class here. If you're talking about up through PoP, enchanter would be better. Of course, with the druid +necro, it wouldn't be hard to switch from enchanter to bard at the point where it makes more sense, or even keep them both leveled up so you can have both clarity and bard song most of the time.
  15. Chuuk Augur

    ENC/DRU/MAG is an insanely powerful trio - you can charm with the ENC for max effectiveness, or just casually use the Mage pet as MT and fight that way - although it will be much slower.

    At some point around lvl 45-50, you'll want some type of *slower* in your trio. Especially since you won't have a cleric, if you don't have a slower, you will be taxing your druid hard. Further, if you don't have a bard/enc in your trio for mana regen, the druid is going to really struggle keeping up with heals.

    Necros are so much fun in my opinion. I once ran a Necro / Druid / Ench trio and I loved the versatility it allowed. Since the enchanter brought slows to the table and mana regen to my druid, I could main my necro and let his pet tank when I wanted to play casually. If I wanted to go a bit more hardcore, I would main the ench, charm something, and go to town - I used the necro for support DPS and ninja FD / Ghetto Rez when I wiped.

    In any case, I would say that most importantly, if you want to kill anything higher than a LB con mob in your 50s and beyond, you will want a slower. In addition to that, you will want mana regen augmentation as well as a tank. If you can manage it, having some sort of ability to split pulls from a "calm" spell is hugely helpful and mez can make life so much easier. Oddly enough, one single class brings all of these to the table - Enchanter. So, I would say, no matter what your 3-box ends up being, it should have an enchanter.
  16. HoodenShuklak Augur

    An enc/clr is far more mobile so they don't have to go after something like GEBS. GEBS is so heavily favored to plopping your sloppy box crew and pick hopping. It's pure crap.

    But you could farm other things like an idol of underking. But I don't know if these things will matter on mangler or even exist without focuses?

    And if there are no focuses then GEBs are going to take a little hit as well.
  17. Accipiter Old Timer

    My advice on competing with the serious farmers: Don't try to compete with the serious farmers. You're better off doing cash camps and buying GEBs than you are trying to camp Efreeti. That might go against your grain but it's simple economics, IMO.