Mancy lines procing ON caster

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Venaki, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Venaki Elder

    I've been away for two years, and I remember that "mancy" lines were proccing on caster instead of mobs, debuffing me or taking the dot of pyromancy, decreasing my health alarmingly. I thought it was repaired, but still dotting myself while casting on mobs. Am I doing something wrong?
  2. kizant Augur

    Nope it's still broke.
  3. Venaki Elder

    Thank you, Kizant. And is there any word of when it will be repaired? There should be a conversation in forum but I can't find it.
  4. Critts Augur

    Must be because no one uses any of these.
  5. Venaki Elder

    Don't know why, it's a passive AA that can increase and improve your dps, even if it's a bit. Does no harm... Until something changed at least two years ago, now DOES harm but to the wrong target.
  6. Critts Augur

    The reason I never used it, if I remember correctly was it had stacking issues with something else. It may have also been something to do with being unable to fade a mob off. Seem to remember it generated an untold amount of hate for the amount of damage it did as well as not working on some raid mobs. I can't say that it ever had a feedback tho. Would be great if they made it useful.
  7. Brohg Augur

    I haven't 'mancied for a long time. debuff slot doesn't earn itself in damage for cryo/arco, agro doesn't earn itself with damage on pyro

    Arco should be stun proc

    Pyro should be Flames of Power

    Cryo should be mana

    They should probably all be passive, and expensive AA. Wiz total AA is still low.
  8. Kazint Augur

    Pyromancy is useless because our dots don't crit. But Arcomancy is OK to use solo or in a group. I assume everyone uses shocking vortex and cloudburst a lot so it procs plenty.

    Cryomancy during a raid with ADPS should proc for around 180k when it crits. Besides rimeblast, which shouldn't be used too much, you get some fuse procs and other spells which may proc ice spells where it can add it up if you're doing things right.

    That said, I wouldn't mind if they got consolidated next. Pyromancy can donate its lower proc rate to the cause. Cryo can donate the DD proc without the snare component. Then take 2 counters from arcomancy and have it work off any spell. While we would surely mourn the loss of our only dot and our favorite snare I think it would be worth the sacrifice. Sure, the two arco counters would still waste a buff slot during a raid but they would get used pretty much instantly so whatever. That's necro problems not ours.
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