Make Enchanters and Bards

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Agnecro, May 7, 2017.

  1. Agnecro Journeyman

    I understand that changes have been made over the years to fix the game, such as: maps, compasses, the target of target, race and class xp penalties, dynamic lighting, mail, coin weight, automatic skills, melee augments, hell levels, corpse runs and the list goes on and on and on. So why Enchanters and Bards by removing spells and songs that were clearly added to repair the classes. Agnarr isn't a classic server, it's a correction server which allows us to go back and play the game the way it should have been. So many concessions have been made for other classes, why leave bards and enchanters on the bench? So do everyone a favor and make one more correction. Please give these classes their mana regen spells at 16. And, if they are bad and don't appreciate this, just put them in a corner and make them stare at a spell book while meditating.
  2. snailish Augur

    "on the bench" seems a bit over the top... Enchanter will probably be the most-played class at Agnarr launch, and remain high population through LDoN.

    The era that actually nerfed chanters was a stretch GoD/OoW on (and was later fixed as they have been great on live servers for years), and it really only killed the casual and/or semi effective enchanters with poor gear (like I was back in the day). The class remains amazing in the hands of the truly skilled (not me) person that puts some effort into gearing up.

    Breeze era was adjusted, though off the top of my head I don't recall if that was into original era or not.

    Bard mains may in fact not be that common, but there will be a solid bard population.
    andross77 likes this.
  3. Kanuvan Elder

    you spelled rogue and paladin wrong
    andross77 and Galleyan like this.
  4. Agnecro Journeyman

    We on the same page here?
  5. Agnecro Journeyman

    I understand this will not stop people from playing the classes. I simply feel, especially with all the spell level reductions, that Enchanters and Bards could use a little love.
  6. Ticino Journeyman

    They should just remove all mana regen spells from the game. It is silly rediculous to even have it as a thing. What is the point of it? I've never actively tried to go get it and I even never bought the spells for my enchanter. You can't play the game without mana regen, then you should play something else.
  7. Agnecro Journeyman

    Coffee man, coffee.
  8. Kiani Augur

    Breeze is Kunark era, and was originally level 16, but now is level 14.

    Enchanters don't need any help, they're overpowered anywhere they can charm, and still useful even when they cannot.
    andross77 likes this.
  9. Acen Elder

    LOL @ you still think they care about what you think. Don’t you know they are trying to sell mana pots in the player marketplace??
  10. superman Augur

    I could care less about low lvl mana regen. Give bards their lvl 57 mez in kunark!!!!
  11. Finnster Elder

    to the OP: bards and especially enchanters are very strong on TLP servers. There are groups with chanters and groups without chanters. It's a big difference. Enchanters are actually too strong (it gets better when you can get KEI in nexus/PoK), but a chanter charming a mob is more damage than 2 rogues. If you want to fix classes on early TLP, then yes: rogues and paladins.
  12. Galleyan Augur

    the only relevant statement in this thread
    andross77 likes this.
  13. Rhodz Augur

    It is not so much a change that would help Enc but one that would help every other mana class in the game. Breeze was put in the game to correct the error made originally.
    Enc do very well without it but yes it helps, it is the wizzies, mags, clerics, etc etc that benefit most from Enc mana regen.

    If you do not like mana regen you must really hate healing...
  14. Agnecro Journeyman

    Yeah, I think everyone should pay wizards, druids, and clerics to see the full effect of not having clarity till level 26. I'll be fine, just saying that Daybreak should consider this since they already looked out for the melee with augments.
  15. AgentofChange Augur

    Enchanters are literally the gods of classic & kunark. There is no class that comes remotely close to being as strong as an enchanter for those expansions. Pretty sure they'll be ok there bud.

    Nothing wrong with bards either.
  16. Rhodz Augur

    I do not think you know what the word "literally" means.
    Do not remember being able to solo a god as an Enc or even a lowly dragon.
    The irony of the name does not escape notice.
  17. Wispur Elder

    I'm sincerely confused as to how this relates to Enchanters since they already get their first man regen spell at 14.
  18. AgentofChange Augur

  19. Agnecro Journeyman

  20. Rhodz Augur

    Breeze is a RoK era spell and was put into the game due to realizing mana regen was insufficient at lower levels before Clarity, simply put it corrected a mistake. There is no other reason it exists, they held it back until the RoK xpac as a feature since they were none too sure of sales and wanted every reason for players to buy the xpak. It is one of those spells that should be unbundled from the xpak on TLPs as some others have been that improve the game across the board for all classes.