Maiden's Eye Camps

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by sdeco, Jun 20, 2022.

  1. sdeco Lorekeeper

    I try to be polite.

    I always do a camp check, even though not everyone replies.

    Lately in ME someone claims to be camping more than one Named.

    Is that considered OK these days?

    I'm not looking for drama, just curious.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Its not hard to camp multiple mobs.
  3. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Clearing multiple named is not out of the ordinary. Whenever I see that happen, I just ask the person camping it if they could send me a tell when they're done camping the named I'm after.
  4. cadres Augur

    I'd say yes.
    It's something I've very occasionally done when the camps are adjacent and we have a very high dps group
    If there are so many folk in ME that all the camps are taken, picks should be available?
  5. Flatchy Court Jester

    This is nothing new really. We all had our Great multiple named camps back in the day. If your gonna kill multiple mobs while there might as well get the most bang for your buck.

    Now I will say if someone comes along and wants one of the named, id give it up to them. Specially if they are after hunter checkmarks. I wish they would lower the number needed for a new pick some though at times.
    code-zero likes this.
  6. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Some of the ME named are right next to each other, why wouldn't this by ok?
  7. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Unless you're camping a specific named for a specific reason/item, groups will always pick a camp spot where they can cover as many named as possible. Assuming you can find a good spot for it, pulling the placeholders for three or four named is pretty standard, unless the zone is really crowded.
  8. CrazyLarth Augur

    f you know what named your camping then you might know what area it is in and you can go over and see if those PH mobs are being killed. Remember peeps might just be burning lesson or just hunting for collections or just afk taking a break before restarting that camp. ME has quite a few camps with mult names if you just pulling PH's
  9. uberkingkong Augur

    Yep this, if your a raider you basically can camp the entire zone.
    If a named pops, you better hop to it, a raider is going to do something about it while you stare at it.

    Also, this is discussed a lot on TLP, the rule stands its ok to take your competitions mob. Whoever deals highest damage wins. Just can't train people to take them out before you go after the named.

    Don't hate the messenger
  10. OldTimeNewbie Journeyman

    My general rule is if the PH's are up when you get there, and the other group is elsewhere, then it isn't camped and is fair game.

    But if I get there and a named is up, and I know we didn't kill the PH then I will CC and respect a claim. But I consider the camp open again if they leave it again for longer than the respawn.
    Wdor likes this.
  11. Ssworidss Journeyman

    If you're camping the vampires in the southwest, you're effectively camping multiple named. Likewise if you're camping the akhevans and gorangans at the fort. That's not rude, really.
  12. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Then theres the ones that think they can camp multiple picks.
  13. Razorfall Augur

    Yeah, there have been bot groups all over ME and UP. They are pretty annoying when you are looking to do a specific camp, but if you're lucky someone will see you and will move elsewhere until you're done
  14. OldTimeNewbie Journeyman

    To add a bit of a slant - the competition for camps can also be blamed on poor zone design.

    It seems that the historic approach is to put the non-prestige and tradeable loot only in one or two entry-level zones. These zones also offer the best XP per unit time. So other than one-time progression and collections, there is no real reason to visit or camp in higher tier zones. This results in zones like ME and UP having perma-camps while other zones are a wasteland after the first couple of months.

    It is fair to make the T2 zones more difficult. But do something to make these zones someplace people want to visit. They are accessible to all, so why does everything in these zones need to be prestige? (not saying there need's to be an improvement in non-prestige gear, just spread it around a bit).