Mage's Fire Pet - Obsolete?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Benito, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I loved my fire pet in the pre-50s. I find limited utility in the wizard class - 50+ fire pets. Sure, some fights require casters-only (plus the benefit of an expendable pet) but this need is largely ameliorated with wizard mercenaries. Could we see the fire pet converted to another class (i.e. paladin, shadowknight)? I would like to see greater versatility and use for this pet.
  2. Rauven Augur

    Mercs never replace pets. I mean yeah you could get a wizard merc, but you could also have the fire pet for more nukage. Its role is a ranged pet, I don't think that role needs to change as a SK/Pally pet would replace the warrior pet.

    I don't have the numbers, but if the fire pet is falling behind the water, then it should be buffed to be on part with it.
  3. Voragath Augur

    The fire pet is far from obsolete.

    The fire pet does more base damage than the water pet out of the box--that is to say, it's our best DPS pet without buffs. It also gets a special buff if you use frenzied burnout where it does even more damage. For the water pet to beat the fire pet in dps, it needs buffs from the other classes.

    I fail to see why you wouldn't use your greatest dps pet when you have a merc out. If you are looking to max dps, that's the pet to use. If you need a tank (based on your suggested roles), the earth pet does spectacularly well at that, again (finally).
  4. Mintalie Augur

    I exclusively use fire pets on raids now. They are the most low-maintenance, easiest to make pet and don't require many buffs to be viable. Fire pets are fabulous DPS.
  5. Eriadoc Elder

    My three box setup revolves around my ENC and has a MAG in it. I frequently use the fire pet, as I want the highest dps I can get in that situation. I'm never quite sure if the fire pet takes advantage of ENC auras, though. Anyone know?
  6. Filatal Augur

    Fire pet does not use mana so any aura with "min mana cost 10" will not affect the fire pet.