Mage CoTF BP click

Discussion in 'Casters' started by fransisco, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Since other classes are talking about what their click will be, figure mage should get in on the action.

    What if instead of our normal click with +5 more damage on it, we got either:
    1. A 1-2 charge twincast effect?
    2. A full pet heal
  2. Nylrem Augur

    I want the 'weak' Frenzied Burnout effect back please. Ala SoD BPs.
    Potawatomi likes this.
  3. Enkel Augur

    SoD robe > current robe : (. But, I would like it if a fire pet is up, that it increases the damage on our spear line, instead of bolt. If our newest spear was increased by the same margin that bolt is, then I would use a fire pet over water pet during burn. Idk, might just be me, but I like that idea. Also, like Nylrem said, I would like a 'weak'/mini version of Frenzied Burnout, or a function that lets our pets crit higher only during its duration, which can be used in conjunction with Frenzied Burnout.
  4. fransisco Augur

    Isn't our current burnout buff better than the SoD robe now?
  5. Enkel Augur

    Here is some pick parses I did. Just ran them once, so if you want a more accurate measure over multiple attempts can parse it if you would like.

    Pet with no buffs: /GU Combat Dummy Azia in 73s, 502k @6878dps --- Honeybadger 486k @6652dps

    Pet with SoD Raid Click (Xirisst's Growl): /GU Combat Dummy Azia in 72s, 738k @10253dps --- Honeybadger 682k @9475dps

    Pet with current Frenzied Burnout (AA): /GU Combat Dummy Azia in 74s, 1127k @15223dps --- Honeybadger 1071k @14467dps

    Pet with current robe click: /GU Combat Dummy Azia in 75s, 659k @8787dps --- Honeybadger 603k @8041dps

    Pet with current robe click and Frenzied Burnout (AA): /GU Combat Dummy Azia in 54s, 1059k @19611dps --- Honeybadger 1003k @18575dps
    (Shorter parse because thats when Robe Click wore off(obedient companion).

    Pet's name: Honeybadger.

    To answer you first question, yes, our current FB is greater than our old robe click. On its own, the SoD robe is greater than our current robe, but our current robe can be used with FB, while the SoD robe cannot. Also, what I find is the SoD robe last longer than the current robe click. Just to verify, I was using the T2 raid robe, with 4500 damage strike on there, not the 5000 damage strike. The numbers show for a shorter burn that you would want to stack our current robe with FB, but on longer fights its more beneficial, or could be, to use FB/Talon, then use SoD robe after FB fades.

    From personal experience I have had a wide range of DPS from my pet during burn. What I mean by this is when stacking FB, VT, and OC, sometimes the parse is almost exactly the same as FB/VT, and sometimes its slightly higher. I'm not sure if OC can lower the amount of times VT procs, but if that's the case, I might parse that later, then it might be best to use FB/VT during burn (get around 30k+ dps), and use the SoD robe as a secondary burn after FB fades.