Looking for some 2 boxing tips.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sethiroth, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Sethiroth Augur

    I’ve recently started a 2 box on phini, and I’m wondering, how do people who box deal with entering new zones?

    My current setup is:

    2 PCs sharing a mouse and keyboard via a kvm switch
    Secondary PC uses a razer tarterus.

    As things stand every time I want to enter a new zone, I have to use the kvm switch to switch to secondary PC and manually click the entrance using the mouse. I’m looking to streamline this, I’d prefer to use the tarterus, because the kvm is a bit clunky. the issue being that I can’t see a way to position the cursor to make the click I need, combined with the fact that the cursor disappears after a small amount of time of disuse and ends up in the top left of the screen.

    Is there some functionality I’m missing?
    Are there any in game commands I can hotbuttonise to do reposition the cursor?
    Is there some other way of dealing with this?

    Any info is appreciated.
  2. Aurastrider Augur

    No clue about switches and stuff but if it's just zoning you can use auto follow and get a running start on your lead toon which should make your follow toon run into the new zone. For clicking into a zone I just manually click on each toon. There is mouse replicator software but I thought that was banned on truebox?
  3. Sethiroth Augur

    Yeah, the open zone lines aren’t an issue, I have an auto run keybind on the tarterus for if they don’t quite make it with auto follow, it’s the clicks zones in interested in finding an easier way. But yeah, it’s gotta be within the rules, I don’t want to get banned for this lol
  4. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    The "U" key defaults to "use whatever is in center of screen." You could maybe bind that on the Tartarus. Wouldn't be perfect, obviously, but might help sometimes
    Sethiroth likes this.
  5. Sethiroth Augur

    Hmm, that sounds like it has potential, I’ll have to give it a look. Thank you
  6. Sethiroth Augur

    Update, it’s working pretty good, the only time it has issues is when the camera angle is wrong because you have to physically align the centre of the screen with the zone in.

    Is there a command to to do something like that?
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    The "5" key on the keypad "centers" your camera view (i.e. makes you look straight ahead) if you're in first person view. That might help.
    Sethiroth likes this.
  8. Tappin Augur

    Most people cheat (and I am not talking about m.q. and assuming true box). There are so many ways around the true box concept it’s not even funny.
  9. Ecidew Journeyman

    I two Box Wizard and Chanter .. No Helper / Boxing Apps .. Two Monitors and moving Mouse Between Monitors works best for me .. I have KVM switch and its Horrible two Box .. Back in the early 2000s I used it because KVM was only Option short of expensive Gaming Computer ..

    Today any Moderate Computer with a moderate Video card will two box nicely .. I was two boxing with an AMD Optron 6300, Geforce 750, 8GB RAM, and Win 7, This ran reasonably well .. In January I upgraded to AMD Ryzen 5 2400g ~ $130.00, Gigabyte AB350 MB ~ $100.00, Geforce GTX 1050 ~ $130.00, 8GB RAM and WIN 10 .. This new computer could easily Three Box, I just lack the mousing skills ..

    Over the years, I found it best to run each Box in its own folder .. Back in the old days it was the only functional option, crashing and freezing was common .. Today is mainly to have separate EQClient.INI for each Box .. Over the years the Devs have moved a lot of options from the EQClient INI to the Char INI so it is not necessary ..
    Brohg likes this.
  10. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Yet another thread that should be on the TLP forum...
  11. Tappin Augur

    This stuff impacts live servers. Seem at least once a twice a year we get a patch that adds more lag and each character you play seems to take up more memory. And it’s all for nothing since cheating runs rampant on those true box servers.
  12. Grailer Augur

    Im using a logitech MMO mouse which has about 12 buttons on the side to control 1 box .

    The other PC is not using mmo mouse but I should buy another 1 for this game if im 2 boxing.

    Macros are .. Assist. Autofollow. Sit .Cast heals , Slows etc

    Kinda works ok but definitely not as good as having 2 real players.

    The main thing is choosing 2 classes that work together well and don’t require a huge degree
    Of skill . Like you wouldnt want to play 2 enchanters
  13. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    No it doesn't. We don't care about TrueBox. We run 6 chars on one computer without any issue at all. There sure are a lot of "live myth's" that float around the TLP servers.
    Tatanka likes this.
  14. Grailer Augur

    I need a left handed logitech mmo mouse .

    Then I can control the 2 computers at the same time perfectly

    Like driving an excavator.

    Maybe using foot pedals as well
  15. Dewey Augur

    I would box the 2 on the same computer and just use alt-tab.

    I would also set up the spacebar so that it would stopcast. You can do this in the options. Then I would make macro's to cast spells and such. If you ever want to stop the macro simply alt tab to the screen of your choice and hit the space bar.
  16. Sethiroth Augur

    its not a question about TLPs.

    its a question about boxing (and specifically intricacies of the everquest UI and functionality that would be best answered by a veteran player) that could be used on absolutely any server, why should it be asked on that specific forum? and what does it even matter to you?

    if you didn't like the question, you always had the option, to, you know? not type a reply? maybe next time you should consider that approach.
  17. Sethiroth Augur

    its on a truebox server, one pc per account.

    also, alt tabbing is much more limited in general. I don't much like doing it.
  18. Sethiroth Augur

    buy a razer tarterus, or orbweaver, they are designed to be used left handed (because they are designed to be used in conjunction with a mouse in your right hand.

    they are really good bits of kit.