Looking for advice, new 3 box

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Xanorak, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Xanorak Lorekeeper

    I've been thinking about making either a BST or shaman as main and boxing 2 mages (open to other ideas but I like the idea of 2 mages because I'm lazy )

    Couple questions:
    #1: At lvl 85+ will a Mage pet tank better then a heroic geared BST? And if so, will the Mage pet be able to pull agro easily after the BST slows? I see pets can tank now even with a player in melee range- curious how well this would work

    #2: BST vs shaman with 2 Mage boxes... Which do you think will make a better team? I love playing BST but shamans can root which could make pulling/ splitting adds easier.. Not sure that's why I'm asking you experts . BST would be better dps tho I'd assume

    I'm open to all advice and eager to start playing!!!!! I'm wanting to buy 3 heroic characters and starting on Firiona Vie.

    Thank you all in advance
  2. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    A mage pet should be a better tank than a beastlord generally speaking, in so far as the ability to soak damage up. Beastlord slow should not cause enough aggro to matter. Unless you are going crazy on burst dps with the beastlord you shouldn't have much trouble with aggro.

    Bst vs shaman is mostly a difference between having dps or having heals. IMO if you aren't planning to use a priest class to be the healer then they aren't worth adding to a box because their dps is lackluster.